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Outline of a full lesson on Surah Al-Fatiha

Surah Al Fatiha. This is how I will divide this surah into 4 sections and explain it to my students.

The first part verse no 1 to 3 is full of praise of Allah. So We will explain the meaning of Asma-ul-Hhasna mentioned in this part. A total of 5 Asma_ul_husa are described in this surah including the real name *Allah*.

So after Hamad-o-Sana, of the lord, the next section, Verse no 4 Is about belief in getting a reward for every action. It’s one of the pillars of the Muslim faith, faith on the day of judgment. It urges believers to obey their lord.

Verse 5 Is registration of accepting Islam With heart contentment. We are born Muslims. In spite of this, we don’t know much about our lord, the creator. But after knowing our lord very well we accepted His teachings and gave witnessing that will obey Allah.

Verses 6 and 7 are Prayers. To be a good Muslim, to earn Jannat, and to walk on a straight path we need Allah’s help. Because shytan is here to mislead us. So we learn to pray.

Surah Al-Fatiha Verse 1

First lesson About Tasmia.

Bismillah Means,

In the name of Allah Most kind and merciful.. Starting Quran with Bismillah is also recommended and it is also Brakah It is also a Prayer, We should start every good deed with Bismillah. Why?

To make it easy for kids to understand, I tell them, Bismillah is permission of Allah for using blessings and creations of Allah. We should say Bismillah who granted us food, as he is Rehman and Raheem. (It’s my personal thought)

Bismillah before sleeping, as He provided us night and peace to sleep in the night on so comfortable beds. Same as before reading, playing, going outside, and doing every good deed we should say Bismillah. So here are some worksheets I got from the internet. We are also doing Calligraphy of Bismillah.

An explanation of Ar-Rahmaan and AR-Raheem is in the next Verse. So with the explanation of Bismillah, we read a Story of the Building of Kabah. When both prophets prayed while building.

Their prayer was fulfilled and Allah granted them all the Barakah and blessings. We should also start our all good works with the name of Allah and with prayers. so that May Allah accepts our good deeds and increases Barakah. See the story of Queen Saba in the pictures.

بسم اللہ اصل میں اللہ کی چیزوں کے استعمال سے پہلے مالک حقیقی کی اجازت اور اللہ کی مدد طلب کرنا ہے۔ عملی کام۔۔۔۔۔۔ بسم اللہ کیلی گرافی، جن کاموں سے پہلے بسم اللہ پڑھیں ہے اس کی ایکٹیوٹیز وغیرہ۔

Surah Al-Fatiha Verse no 2

Praise belongs to Allah, The lord of the worlds.

Alhamdulillah is a very important Kalima for Muslims. . Alhamdolilah means Praise of Allah, and being grateful To Rub. In this Part, There is the real name of Allah SWT. So we work on it. See the Asma-ul-husna section.

And to be Grateful to Allah and Love our Lord we need to know who is lord. And what is the power of our Lord? So we worked on Allah’s attribution ‘RUB.’ See the detail In Asma-ul-husna Section. So what is Hamad and how/when to do Praise of Allah? So making it easy for the children I told them,

Bismillah is asking for permission from Allah and Allah’s Help. We should be grateful and thankful to Allah as we do say Thank you to others. see detail in the worksheet, So an activity on when we will say Alhamdolilah was done. as Hamad is also a praise so, when we do Pray to Allah we praise him to admit his power.

So Story of Firwoon was done for kids. See the lesson of that story in The picture.

1۔ الحمد سے کیا مراد ہے ۔ کب اور کیوں الحمدوللہ کہنا ضروری ہے۔

Surah Al-Fatiha Verse no 3

Asma-ul-Husna Ar-Rahamaan and Ar-Rahim. These are very Important Attributions of Allah. So we did a chapter about these names.. Allah’s blessings are permanent and some are overflowing. But if we would be ungrateful to Allah, He may turn our blessing into a punishment. Detail Of these names would we in Asma-ul-Husan section.

We had a story of Qaroon (The treasure house)This story reveals that Allah is not cruel He is kind and Merciful But he does not like disobedient and cruel people. Activates for These 1. chapter 2.Exercise 3. Calligraphy of Asma-ul-Husna

The story of Prophethood A.S AND TERRIBLE WIND was also told. Let’s see the calligraphic work and stories we did for these names.

Surah Al-Fatiha verse 4

مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ Maliki Yawmi-Deen Ayah 4. Master of the Day of Judgment

This verse Is about Muslim faith, Faith on the Day of judgment. It believes in getting a reward for every action. It urges believers to obey their lord.

Allah is the Master of the day of judgment. He will see our deeds on the day of judgment. We will get back whatever good or bad we did in this life.

As a practical work, Children were supposed to make a scale of their good and bad deeds. It was 2 weeks or 1-month activity. They added pebbles or beans to collect More and more good deeds and try to avoid bad deeds. This is a practice for kids. So that they would realize, one day our good/bad deeds will bring to us and we will see what we had earned. and they will get a reward for it.

And at the end of the activity, a reward should be given to kids for collecting good and avoiding bad deeds. 🌸🌸So the story of two Gardens is the best story for kids. In this story, it is stated that what we get is from Allah. he is the owner. He gives rewards for our deeds and intentions.

We should say Ma Sha Allah for having blessings. Like that garden one day, everything in this world will be destroyed and then people will regret it.

‘There is a day our all deeds will be put into a scale. This life is like an examination hall and the Day of judgment is the result day. Our book of actions will be open that day like our examination paper, And we will see what we are writing in that book. Then what will be our feeling? will we feel Happy? or sad?

‘To see this feeling, we made this Scale. for one week every child is putting some stones, pearls, or anything into it. One cup is for good deeds, second is for bad deeds. Every child is eager to increase good deeds. I hope this will help them to stop doing bad things, they would try to avoid making mistakes.

We read story of Hazrat Uzayr A.S to understand life after death.

.مالک یوم الدین سے عقیدہ آخرت سمجھانا۔ اعمال کا بدلے کا دن۔ اچھے برے اعمال کا بدلہ کیسے ملے گا۔ عملی کام۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ بچوں سے ایک ترازو بنوایا جائے گا جس میں وہ ایک مہینہ یہ ایکٹیویٹی کریں گے کہ دن میں ہر اچھے کام کا ایک موٹی اور ہر خراب کام کا ایک موٹی ڈالیں گے۔ مہینے کھ آخر میں اعمال کے مطابق بدلک ملے گا۔

If you are interested to know what was the result and reaction of my students after doing this activity read this paragraph.

So Final of Our Action scale. Child #1Mam I have 12 good Deads and 10 Bad dead’s. Why Hamdan? In a week you earned only 12 good deeds? His mother’s voice from the backside ”’ Mam actually he did many bad deeds, but he didn’t let us count his all bad deeds. ”” Ha ha ha😘

child 2I have 3 good deeds and 3 bad deeds. Why Ariz? You had many days, And you prayed 5 times, you do Recitation, and also many other things. He: Mam My younger sister was not letting me include more good deeds, Actually, she started to cry when I do add any good deeds and finally she took out my 3 good deeds. (she is in the same class and had a competition with him) 😍

Child 3The youngest student. The sister of student no 2Mam I have 3 good deeds and 2 bad deeds. Afra why? where are your good deeds of reciting supplications and helping mom and other things?

Mam my mother said to me that I will put it. But she forgot. that’s why I have fewer deeds☹️. 😍(His brother from the other device)Mam whenever my mom tried to put her bad deed she started to cry.

So interesting. I was enjoying it. Then I told them that, it is human nature that they don’t want to count their bad deeds. So you were feeling guilty after a very bad deed. But this was just a trail. Don’t worry. Here are tips. So to do more good deeds and decrease your bad deeds,

1. Whenever you intend to do a good deed, your virtue would be counted so you can fill the good deeds cup with making many good intentions and also doing small virtues.

2. If you do make any mistake you can say sorry to the person who was affected and then recite Astagfirullah (youngest, mam what should I do if I forget Astagfirullah?)(Another student, Mam if I forget to recite Astagfirlullah, May I say again Astagfirullah for Forgetting Astagfirullah ?😌)

3. If you forget to perform any fardh, Offering Prayer, You have to Say sorry to Allah. And to say sorry to Allah you have to recite Astagfirullah many times and also you should make a promise in your heart that you will not do it again.

4. When you would say sorry and stop doing mistakes, your bad deeds would turn into good deeds. So you can pick a bad deed from the cup and put it into the good deeds cup. ( Boy: Mam our good deed also could go into bad deeds cup ever?) Subhan Allah. No never. Our good deeds would never be wasted.

Then there was another thing. For young children, angels do write their mistakes with an led pencil. and angles erase their bad deeds when they feel sorry.

But after turning 11 yrs, Mistakes would be written with an ink pen. It could not be erased. But stop. We have another option. We can use a whitener. And that whitener would have a spot that would remind us of our promise of not doing it again. And if We would commit that mistake again, Whitener would be scratched and that spot would look dirtier. Allah O Akber.

Surah Al-Fatiha Verse 5

Our registration !!! Iyaka Na’abodo, Wa iyaka Nasta’aeen.

So we Named This verse as A registration of a good Muslim.

Is registration of accepting Islam, With heart contentment. We were born Muslims. But after knowing our lord we accepted His teachings and gave witnessing that will obey Allah. So a Question was asked by all students.

Why are Muslim? Some said it was because we were born Muslim, and some said it, Because Allah made us Muslim. Some said it because we offer prayers, and some said our Parents told us.

So we discussed it after knowing Allah. According to our previous lesson on Surah AL-Fatiha, know you are able to decide. Do you think being a Muslim is an honor? And Allah is our Lord? Do you want to be Muslim? They said. So i said them to bear witness with full believe that, we are Muslim, We are Muslim see pictures

مالک حقیقی سے تعلق قائم کرنے کے لئے با شعور مسلمان کی طرح اپنی رجسٹری کروائی جائے۔ جس میں ہم اردو کریں گے کہ ہم اللی کا کہنا مانیں گے۔ عملی کام۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ڈرائنگ یا لکھ کر کہا جائے گا کہ۔ I’m Muslim. I’m Musljm.

Surah Al-Fatiha Verse 6

اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ Ihdinas Siraatal MustaqeemAyah 6

. In these verses we do Prayers. To be a good Muslim, to earn Jannat, and to walk on a straight path we need Allah’s help. Because shytan is here to mislead us. Do pray more and more. Guide us to the straight path –We Pray to Allah to help us in understanding and follow a straight path.

The right path, there are many hurdles to the right path. There are many shyateen on the right path. They mislead us. They make hurdles in our right path. So we ask Allah. We need Allah. O, Allah! Make it easy for us. See the pictures How I explained the Straight path and wrong Path?

The straight path is doing good. And devils are sitting in our way of good deeds. They invite us to change our path. They give us trouble to go upward like a way off the hill. But if we will be steadfast.

We will get high status and get Jannah as a reward. A bad path is easy to walk. devils are making it beautiful and easy. But it will lead one to hellfire. We have to escape from this. The story of Habeel and Qabeel is best for this. See picture.

۔ اللہ کا کہنا کیسے مانیں گے؟اللہ ہم سے کیا چاہتا ہے۔ دعا کے زریعے اللہ سے مدد مانگی جائے گی کہ اللہ ہمیں سیدھا راستہ دکھا۔ انعام یافتہ لوگ کون ہیں ؟ اللہ کے نبی، صحابہ، اور تمام نیک لوگ

Surah Al-Fatiha Verse no 7

صراط الذین انعمت علیھم۔ غیر المغضوب علیھم والضالین

The people that are in blessings of Allah all Prophets, companions, and true believers and cursed people who got Allah’s anger Firaoon, Namrood, and all disbelievers. Alhamdulillah. Explained with the help of a drawing. see the picture down.

Story Of Ibraheem we told. He was the most blessed Prophet. So enjoy the story of Ibraheel A.S.

۔انعام یافتہ لوگ کون ہیں ؟ اللہ کے نبی، صحابہ، اور تمام نیک لوگ ۔ عذاب یافتہ لوگوں کے خلاف اللہ کی مدد مانگنا۔ یہ کون ہیں ؟ جن سے اللہ ناراض ہوا۔ مثلا ابو جہل، ابو لہب وغیرہ۔ عملی کام ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ دو راستے بنا کر نشاندہی کی جائے گی صحیح راستہ کون سا ہے؟ اور غلط کو ن سا۔؟ اور شیطان کس راستے پر بیٹھتا ہے؟

Names of Surah

Why Surat Fatiha is Um-ul-Kitab?The principles of this Surah Are narrated below. These principles show us that the Quran is all about these principles. So this is so easy to explain to kids with the help of this book Alhamdolilah.

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Conversation with Allah(excellence of this Surah)

This part of Surat Al-Fatiha is the most beautiful Part. This looks like a talk with Allah. Best way to teach children, How to talk with Allah and how to Pray? The youngest girl was interested to choose the story of the day. So She choose this one” The Kind Queen ”So There was a very beautiful Pray of Mother of Musa A.S

Details in Surah Fatiha Chapter 3

Exercises and Homework of Students

Mind Maps.

So we do a mind map after completing the Surah. We collect our information and points from the Surah to make mind map. We also do use mind maps from here are some points from the mind map.

Surh Al-fateha is makki surah. Its first and opening Surah of Quran.

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Tafseer for other Surahs

Other courses Quran tutors online have

Hadith with stories course consists of 30 short hadith for children with interesting stories you can see that course in my hadith course tab.
Prayer for kids courses, a short course to teach about taharat, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars and conditions of prayer, and method of prayer. Search as Prayer for kids course on the search bar.
Kindness to Parents
Ramzan Boost course
Faith boost course in December to say NO MARYY CHRISTMAS

Enrolments Available

Tafseer for kids’ group classes is available online for all time zones. Recommended age for the class tafseer for kids is 9+. These classes are available in English and Urdu. If you want to enroll your child in our classes contact us via.
email: bh********@gm***.com


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