Welcome to our Hadith Classes Online
We will provide you free 30 short Hadiths course with the introduction, stories, videos tips to teach, and worksheets
Kitab-ul-Hadith for Kids.
30 short hadiths in Urdu and English were done with translation, references, and interesting stories/ videos. Age 5+ to 12 yrs.
Our goal is to teach hadiths with long-term memory. And to rebuild a love for Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hearts of our children.
All these hadiths are in attractive graphics. These all hadiths are authentic and taken from sahih books. To make it easier, the topic is also highlighted with a hadith translation. Every topic has a story we did in this session. Stories are available in pdf and youtube videos. Visit my page to subscribe to my website and channels.
Activity at home
June 2019 summer vacation. I started to teach short hadiths to my kids at home.
We started as a storytime. Whiteboard was used to write hadith, code, and translation. Then after a little discussion, an interesting story would be told to the kids. And then they wrote these hadiths into their Alkitab-ul-Hadith.(Children’s personal journal).
Group work.
My online students and some mothers asked me to share this online with their kids. So I started to make videos of all hadiths with stories. I started to share 1 hadith weekly. And kids were also sharing their hadiths activities in my group.so we completed these hadiths in 30 weeks. You can join our group to learn and teach hadiths where I will keep sharing hadith weekly.
Tips to teach.

Free hadith worksheets
Make a small journal, or handbook(sketchbook) (Or Use our worksheet book designed for kids. scroll down to see the book.)
Write the title cover of Alkitab-ul-hadith and the name of the child.
Use my hadith video(Urdu/English) or write this hadith yourself on the whiteboard.
Watch videos for the story or tell stories yourself (stories would be according to the topic. Visit my site for written stories)
Ask your child to write hadith into their book.
Design the book and hadith with colors.
Revise hadiths many times and try to memorize them. According to the age of children.
For the children under 8, write hadiths yourself in their book and ask them to color. During this, they will repeat hadiths to understand it.
Day 1 – The introduction of Hadees.
- For English Members.
Hadees means talks or words of someone.
Hadees-i-Nabi means words, talks, and actions of our Prophet Muhammad SAW. Where he explained the verses of the Quran, told us does and forbidden in Islam, and guided us on how to live life and he also gave us news of Gaib.
All the words of Our Nabi SAW are from Allah and are true.
In Quran Allah SWT says, “and the life of Muhammad SAW is the best role model for you. “That’s why we are starting to learn Hadees. And we will also get Ajer and a good reward from Allah if we learn and forward Ahadees.
Prophet of Allah said,
Allah will enlighten the face of those who will learn and forward my Hadees to others.
The Books of Ahadees are Sahi Bukhari, Sahi Muslim, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ibn-i-Maja, Jamia Termizi, etc. We will choose some short parts from the Hadith and then do the translation, Tafseer, and a moral/Seerah story with the topic of the hadith.I will provide the Hadith and Story about the Topic with some explanation of Hadith.
Tips to make this book:-
Let’s start the First step
This is a child-parent activity.
All you have to do is …
Please make (A Hadees Book) KITAB-UL-HADEES for your child. - Make a lap book of hands/heart-shaped craft book with colored papers..(Sample)
- Take any mini sketchbook. (My kids are using this one)
- Make a book of yourself with Some A4 paper, cut them in half, and then step again.
- Make its cover. (my kids mostly make these books for their drawing collections. (let me know if you want to see it.
Use any kid’s dairy. (sample)
Template of Hadith book:-
1. Please make a cover page of books with the name of the book and the child.
2. Design the template of the next page for your kid to help to make themselves in the future. (you can watch the video in the last sharing)
Here down is the template of our Hadees Journal.
Or You can Buy My Hadith with stories course worksheets. Watch the worksheet photos down or video
As described above, we will cover 1 Hadees in three days. (Maximum 6 days)
Day 1. To teach Hadees with Translation/definition of Hadees, the code of Hadees, and a good story related to the topic of Hadees.
Day 2. Children will write Hadees in a calligraphic style and good template design in their books and learn Hadees with code, story, and topic of Hadees.
Day 3. Kids will revise and you will listen to the Hadees from children.
Revision/listening All previous Ahadiths is compulsory.
You could share your picture of every hadith activity.
اسلام وعلیکم
آج سے ہم بچوں کو حدیث سکھانے کا آغاز کرتے ہیں اور اس کے لیے ہم حدیث کے طرف سے شروعات کریں گے. بچوں کے لیے یہ جاننا بہت ضروری ہے کہ حدیث کیا ہوتی ہے اور ہم یہ کیوں سیکھ رہے ہیں
یہ ساری معلومات میں نے نیچے دے گئی ویڈیو میں ڈال دے ہیں. خود بھی سنیں اس میں دلچسبی لیں اور بچوں کو بھی سنائیں میں اپنے انداز میں میں بچوں کوحدیث سیکھانے کے لیے ہلکا پھلکا انداز اور ساتھ میں تفریح کے لیے کچھ کہانیاں سنایا کروں گے. جس سے بچے اگلی حدیث کا انتظار کریں گے. اور شوق سے سنتے سنتے بہت کچھ سیکھ لیں گے. پھر جب وہ حدیث سن کر لکھ لیا کریں گے اور ان کی دوہرا ی ہو گی تو وہ اور بھی اچھی طرح سیکھ لیں گے
آپ سب کے لیے اس میں بہت آسانی ہو گی انشااللہ. آپ کے ذمہ صرف یہ ہے کہ میں ہر سوموار کو حدیث اپلوڈ کر دیا کروں گے آپ نے بچوں کے لیے کوئی یا خاص دن یا ان کا فارغ وقت دیکھ کر ویڈیو چلانی کرنی ہے.
ساتھ الکتاب الحدیث اور بچوں کےکلر پنسل وغیرہ رکھ دیا کریں اور جو بچے چھوٹے ہیں ان کی ڈیزائنگ میں اور لکھنے میں مدد کریں. اگر آپ کا بچہ لکھ نہ سکے تو حدیث ٹریس کر دیا کریں.اگر بچہ اردو لکھ نہیں سکتا تو انگلش میں بھی لکھ سکتا ہے
لیکن اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ بچہ لکھیے ضرور چاہے تھوڑی تھوڑی کر کے پورے ہفتے میں
اس کے کچھ فائدے ہیں. حدیث لکھتے ہوۓ یاد ہو جایے گی
یا آپ حدیث کورس کی ورک بک خرید لیں -جس پر احادیث لکھی ہویی ہیں
حدیث شئیر کریں گے تو فکر سے لکھا کرے گا اور خوش ہو گا.
یہ چیز بھی خوشی دے گی کہ اس کی اپنی کتاب الحدیث ہے
اور آخر میں حدیث ختم ہونے پر سرٹیفیکٹ اور انعام بھی ملے گا..
جزاک اللہ
New edition
I’m also providing Hadith course worksheets to children now. You can buy this soft book Here

A video for children to Understand what is Hadith.
To Download a Pdf of these 30 Hadiths in Urdu and English. Comment Below.(Or download from here )
Search All 3o hadiths with stories, videos, and Pictures in the Search box or scroll down.
Online classes, Hadith course and Islamic studies for kids are Available. If you are interested then contact me for details.
Tafseer for short Surahs
Other courses we have
Hadith with stories course consists of 30 short hadith for children with interesting stories you can see that course in my hadith course tab.
Prayer for kids courses short courses to teach about taharat, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars and conditions of prayer, and method of prayer. Search as Prayer for kids course on search bar.
Kindness to Parents
Ramzan Boost course
Faith boost course in December to say NO MARYY CHRISTMAS
Enrolments Available
Tafseer for kids’ group classes is available online for all time zones. Recommended age for the class tafseer for kids is 9+. These classes are available in English and Urdu. If you want to enrol your child in our classes contact us via.
email: bhallitaha@gmail.com
Youtube Urdu Channel
Youtube English Channel
or leave a comment.
Students activities

As Salaam Alaikum
How do I download the hadith?
Wa Alikum Slaam. Thank you sister for your interest in Our Hadith course. I may Send you Hadith in your email box.
Salaam sis can you send me the 30 hadith by email.
Yes my Dear sis. I will send you.
Assalamualaikum… How to download the hadith?
WAlikum slamm
I just emailed you the pdf of Hadiths
Please share with me
Pls can u send worksheets of these 30 hadith
Asalamualaikum, Can you please send me the book. We speak English. may Allah reward you
Salam could you please send me the 30 hadith in english jazakallah khair..
Salam, can you also send me the book? Thanks
Asalam Alaykum please can adult attend because am interested in learning the hadiths.
I also need, nainpathan445@gmail.com
Aslam o alikum
Can you please send me the haidith.
I need the pdf please
Assalamu alaykum
Can I also get the 30 hadith by email please? Jazakillahu khayran
WaAlikum slammm
In sha Allah sister I will send you.
Jazak Allah for commenting here.
Assalamualaikum sister, i am interested in your 30 hadeeth and kids tafseer. but i dont know how / where to start. may i also have the pdf please? jazakillaahu khair
Email sent to you
Assalamualaikum !
Sis can i have a copy of these 30 hadiths thru my email.
Thank you…
Assalaamualaikum . How can I download the pdf?
Hello, I’m an english teacher from Turkey. I’m gonna teach hadith to my lovely students so please can u send me translation of hadith in english ??
Happy to Read this.
Yes off course I will send you pdf of All Hadiths.
Had you discovered my Written or videos stories about these hadiths?
Salam. How do I download the hadith?
salam sis, can you send me 30 hadith through e-mail?
Wa Alikum Slam. in sha Allah.
اسلام علیکم
Can you send me these 20 ahadith?
In sha Allah.. These are 30 hadiths not 20.
I will send you soon.
How to get these pdf . Jazakallah for your effort.
Please send me 30 hadeeth in english
In sha Allah sister it will be send to you.
Jazak Allah for your interest.
Salam sister. How do i download the teaching materials?
Assalamualaikum waRahmatullahi waBarakatuhu could you please send me the course details at my email
Asalamalaikum. Pls send me the link
May I please have access to the PDF? JazaakAllah
Plz send me the videos 30 hadiths
Assalamualikum. How can i get the pdf?
Assalamu Alikum wr wb
Please send me 30 short hadees for kids.
Jazak Allah Khair
Can you send me the course plz
Can you please send me the 30 hatheedh via email
Please in English
Salams please can you send me the hadith pdf
Salam can I please have the pdf of the Haditb book…JazakAllah
Assalamu alaikum. Masha Allah I’m so impressed with your book kids on Hadith’s! Please send me the link. Shukran JAK!
Jazak Allah for appreciation. In sha Sending you
Yes, I also want 30 Hadith in English and Urdu both plz
Can i get the download link for the hadiths please? JazkaAllah khair!
Mashallah this is a fantastic inspiring idea
Jazakallah khair for sharing.
Thanks for your appreciation. Many sisters are getting benefits from this. Alhamdolilah.
As Salaam Alaikum
How do I download the hadith?
Wa Alikum Slaam.
My Dear sister! Thank you for commenting. You can click picture to download 1 Hadith and if you want pdf of 30 Hadiths you have to subscribe website.
MashaAllah, great idea.
Thank you very Much
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu…Please send me the PDF of 30 hadith for kids..
Jazakillahu khairan kaseera
OK Dear sister I will Email you soon.
umairqayyum555@gmail.com send me too plz
I meed thr pdf plz
السلام علیکم
Kindly send me the pdf of this hadith book
please download it from free downloads tab.
how can my kids start ?
My Dear, I’m starting to Upload Hadiths in the Group. You May Join My Hadith Session their. I’m Also Planning to start live zoom meeting for kids to teach them. As soon as soon a group of kids will show interest I will Inform you. You can join My Group for More daily updates. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2246431185474226/?ref=bookmarks
Assalamalaikum sister please send me the course too.
JazakAllah khairan
Wa ALikum My dear sister.
Thanks for joining us. Please join our Facebook group for Course of 30 short Hadith for kids with stories.
Assalam O Alaikum!
Sister I want to download Hadith course for my kids.
Jazakallah khair…
Wa Alikum Slaam
Sister I will send you Pdf via email. if you want to join weekly hadith sessions please join facebook group. Jazak Allah
A very good initiative Barakallahufeek
Assalamalaikum, can I get the PDF for all the hadith.
Wa Alikum Slaam
Sister I will send you Pdf via email. Jazak Allah
Assalaamualaikum dear sister. Jazakallah for creating such a wonderful group, May Allah Ta aala grant you a long life with good health and the best in the dunya and aakhirat and may you be rewardedabundantlyfor your work and time. Aameen
Could I please have the pdf for the hadith. In sha will follow you and start with my kidz as well.
WA Alikum Slaam.
Thanks for your appreciation.
Yes please join and Take an active part. This is the best opportunity for your kids.
You can join me at facebook group.
I’m just sending you Hadith book pdf.
Asalamu Alaykum
Kindly share the hadith book in English please
Jazakallah Khair
WA Alikum Slaam.
Thanks for your appreciation.
please join and Take an active part. This is the best opportunity for your kids.
You can join me at facebook group for weekly hadith learning activities..
I’m just sending you Hadith book pdf.
As Salam Alikum
Can you please send me in English
Alsalamualaikum Sister,
Jazaki Allah kheir for your efforts. May Allah reward you immensely for your part in aiding other Muslims in beneficial knowledge. I look forward to the Hadith lessons for my children.
Wa Alikum Slam!
Thanks for the complements.
May Allah accept from us.
Yes you can join my Groups or Email me for whatsapp group and online classes.
Aslamualykum Warahmatulahi Wabrakatuhu
Really nice work
Please send 30 hadith to me .
JazakAllahu Khairaan
In English and Urdu ..
do you have videoed English ?
yes dear my videos are in both languages
WaAlikum slaam. In sha Allah I will send you.
Please share the 30 Hadith in English
Jazak Allah for your interest. Pdf has been sent to you.
Asslamoalaikum sister. U r doing great job. I was in great need of such platform. Plz send me pdf. JazakAllah
In sha Allah sister I will send you
I would like to have a pdf.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Can you send the 30 hadeeth pls?
Thank you
WA Alikum slam
In sha Allah sister it will be send to you.
Jazak Allah for your interest.
Please may I have the 30 hadith.
najwahussain1996@gmail.com. Thank you.
In sha Allah sister it will be send to you.
Jazak Allah for your interest.
In sha Allah sister it will be send to you.
Jazak Allah for your interest.
MashaAllah and بارک اللہ ,
Can I have the pdf please .
Pls send me the hadith pdf
Salam, please may I have the 30 hadith for kids
Please send the 30 hadiths in English.
Can I also get a copy.
JazakAllahu kyren.
As Salam o alikum wa rehmatula e wabarakatu
Plz send me 30 Hadith pdf in both languages
Jazakum khayrn khaseera
May i have the 30 hadith pdf please ? Thank you.
Assalamu alaikum. I m interested for d pdf. ll u send me pls?
Assalamualikum sister, great work. Pease can you send me the Hadiths to do with my kids. Jazakkillah Khair for this.
AoA, can i get thw pdf…here i cnt find link to download….
Please, I would love to have pdf of the 30 hadiths for my son. Could u send it to me please?
Pls send me the 30 hadiths in English language
I’m interested in the Hadith lesson. Can you share it please. And what’s the appropriate age for this course.
plz send me
i am intrested
In sha Allah
Just sending you.
Pdf sent t o you
Assalamalykum, please I’m interested in the materials for my kids.
Salam. May I have the hadith for kids? Thank you.
I am interested in the hadith lesson. Could you please share with me. Jazakallah khair
I am interested. Could you please share with me. Jazakallah khair
A very good initiative Barakallahufeek
Assalamu Alaikum!
Can you please send me English version of the Hadith?
JazakAllah khair
WA Alikum slaam
Just sending you
Can I get the pdf for 30 Hadith
WaAlikum slaam.
Yes in sha Allah sending you.
I will be interested in the 30 hadith lessons in Shaa Allah
Bismillah, I am interested. Could you please share with me. Jazakillah khairan
Hi, how do I get the PDF? Thank you.
Sending you By Email.
Assalam alaikum
Assalamualikum, I am mother of a 5 and 4 year old.. I woud love to use ur resources for teaching my children
Can u send me the PDF please…
Me too sis
It’s mashallah wonderful. Am interested
Asa wr
may i have the pdf?
pdf please
Assalamu Alaikum, could I please have a copy as well. Jazakallah Khair
Can i have the pdf in english please. Age 5 and above.thank you
Assalaamu’Alaikum. This is such a great work. It will be great to teach this to all Muslim kids. Allah reward all the efforts you put in this work. Hope to get a copy as well. Thank you.
Assalamu alaikum I want to have a copy of this inshaallah I will include this in our homeschooling. Jazaakallah khair
Asalam o alikum. How can i get the pdf.
Jazakallah for your efforts.
As’salaam alaykum warohmatulloh wabarokatuhoo
Please I need the PDF
English language
Assalam o alekum sister,
Please send me Hadith in Eng, my kids will be starting holidays from Monday & I intend to teach them Hadith during holidays.
Salam..I would like to have it also in English language…
Allah reward you for this great work for our future generations. May I please get a pdf copy in English in my mail?
Assalam oalaikum sister I want Pdf for my kids
Could you please send me the Hadith pdf in English?
Assalamu alaikum sister
May Allah reward you for such a good initiative to teach kids Hadith
How can I download this
Could you please send me the Hadith pdf in English?
Salaam Alaykum,
Send me the Hadiths In English.
JazakaAllah khayr
PDF Sent to you
Remind me in prayers
Please send me the hadith in english words
Asalam o aliqum
Can i have 30 hadith pdf please??
Kindly send me the pdf of 30 hadith too.
JazakAllah for commenting
In sha Allah sending you
Salam alaikum,can I have 30 hadith pdf, please?
Assalamualaikum sister.
I am Dini from Indonesia.
I would like to have the materials of hadiths in English.
THis is my email: istisubandini@gmail.com
Thanks jazakillah khair.
WaAlikum slaam Sister just sending
I want to read the hadith in English. I hope you can send them to me if possible.
I just emailed a pdf of 30 short hadiths.
Jazak Allah for your interest
WaAlikum slamm sent to you
Could you please send me the Hadiths in English? Thank you!
Yes sister In sha Allah sending you
Kindly send me the pdf of 30 ahadees in urdu
Assalamalaikum, can I get the PDF for all the hadith in English, please?
WaAlikum slaam
Yes in sha Allah sending you.
Please send me @
Please send me
In sha Allah
As salamu alaikum web
Appreciate ur hard work.
May Allah SWT reward you with the best in both worlds
Assalamu alikum,
Thank you so much, I can see that you put a lot of work into it. Would it be possible to send me the pdf for the 30 Hadith (In English)
JazakAllah kiran
WA Alikum slaam
Jazak Allah khair for your great appreciations. Yes of course.
I’m sending you Graphics of 30 short Hadiths
In sha Allah
sister pdf has been sent to you.
Jazak Allah khair for connecting.
Stay in touch
Assalamou aleykoum. Great job May Allah, the greatest reward you a hundredfold. Can you kindly share this with me for the purpose of Da’awa in my country ? Best regards
WA Alikum slaam
Jazak Allah khair for your great appreciations. Yes of course.
I’m sending you Graphics of 30 short Hadiths
In sha Allah
asalamalakum excellent work sister
can i get the pdf for the hadiths
Assalam O Alykum. Great job May Allah, the greatest reward you a hundredfold. Can you kindly share this with me for the purpose of Da’awa in my country ? Best regards
I am Urdu Speaking…Jazakallah
sister pdf has been sent to you.
Jazak Allah khair for connecting.
Stay in touch
Assalamu alaikum, .May Allah subhanawataha grant u reward for your great job and effort. Kindly send me PDF for all the hadith in English, please?
sister pdf has been sent to you.
Jazak Allah khair for connecting.
Stay in touch
Assalamualaikum wbt. I would like to have the hadith copy
Aslamwalkem wa rahathullahi wa barakatahu Sister,
Jazak Allah khair for your support and encouragement May Allah bless you good health and stay blessed .
Can you please share hadith in English.
Jazak Allah khair.
WaAlikum Slaam,
I’m Happy to see you here with kind words.
Pdf has been sent to you.
Good job
Jazak Allah Khair
Assalam o Alaikum
excellent work sister. Can you please share hadith in Urdu.
Jazak Allah khair.
Can I get the Hadees PDF?
MashaAllah Very beneficial ahadeees
Jazak Allah Khair sister
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
May Allaah reward you with khair..
Can you please send me this pdf.??
Jazak Allah khair sister for your Prayers and kind words. The pdf has been sent to you. Stay connected
Can you send me the hadith pdf file in English.? Thank you.
Assalam o Alaikum warahmatuLLAHi wabarakatuhu!
I find these short hadith collection very helpful. I want to download whole collection in urdu and english in both languages.
JazakAllah khair
Jazak Allah khair sister for your Prayers and kind words. The pdf has been sent to you. Stay connected
Asalam alaykum sis,
Can you send me this hadith collection. Please
Asalamalaikum ,I need the pdf of hadith for kids too.
JazakAllah Khair.
Need pdf hadith for kids
Salam. Please send me hadith pdf for kids.
Kindly send me the one with URDU translation.
plz mail me
JazakAllah Khair for you spreading of beneficial knowledge amoung our young generation. Will appreciate if you share the hadith PDF with me
Aoa. Please send me the hadees course.
This is great allahumma baariek. I am a teacher and want to use is inchaa a allah. This is e real sadaqah jariya for you, mayallah exept it.
Thank you very much for Prayers.
Assalamualaikum Sister,
I would love to teach my kids 30 jadeeths this Ramadan inshallah. Appreciate the good work. Lots of duas.
Assalamu Alaikum,
Kindly send me the Hadith pdf for kids.
May Allah reward you with paradise.
Assalamu Alaikum, Can you please share the PDF of the Urdu Hadith course. Jazakallah Khair!
please send me the 30 hadith pdf
Assalamu aleikum, please can you send me the pdf of 30 hadith in English to email multilingualmuslimfamily@gmail.com? JazzakAllahu khairan
available hre https://121islamforkids.com/islamic-kids-resources-courses-tutors/
Assalamu Alaikum
please can u send the Hadith pdf in English?
Jazakallahu khairan !!
May Allah bless you immensely..
Assalamu Alaikum
please can you send the Hadith pdf in English?
Jazakallahu khairan !!
May Allah bless you immensely..
Assalamu Alaikum
please can you send the Hadith pdf in English?
جزاك الله خيرا
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Plzzz share with me
Can u plz send the Hadith pdf in English.
Can you share the hadith pdf?
Assalamu alaykum
Can I also get the 30 hadith by email please? Jazakillahu khayran
Salam aleykoum
Please can you send me the 30 ahadith. Jazak’Allahou kheira !
Jazakumullahu khaer for this noble work
course ki details sign up page per hain ya email ker lain ztmmegar@gmail.com
Asalaamualaikum how can i download all 30 hadith.
Assalam o alaikum I’m a Quran Teacher i want to teach this Hadith course to my students, can you send me this complete course?
aslamoalikum sister
may Allah give for ajer in this world and akhira
can your please send me 30 hadith in pdf
How can I get those incredible worksheet. This is my Email : Pinokio.pauta@gmail.com
can I get hadees pdf?
Can you kindly send me the 30 hadith course in urdu