Let’s Learn Noble Quran in Easy steps. This is step-by-step guide to teaching or learning Surah Ikhlas. Surah Ikhlas is one of the short Surah’s in Noble Quran.

Learn Islam online| We have online group classes for kids in English and Urdu. these learn Islam online classes are available for all time zones. scroll down for more information.

Step 1. Recitation of Surah

Alhamdulillah. The class starts with the beautiful recitation of Surah…Almost all children already have memorized this surah because of is short and of its excellency.

Step 2. Introduction of the Surah

The first lesson was the introduction to Surah. To learn Islam online children need to be engaged in different activities. So we use books and other resources for a good interactive class. In the book, Islamic education, the introduction of the Surah was told. This is a short introduction to Surah.

This surah was revealed to answer the Makkan. They were idol worshipers and had many gods. They used to make their own gods with wood, stone, and mud. For them, it was a very surprising thing to believe in one god. Their gods had big families and they were assigned different duties. So there were Questions like. Who is your god? What is he made of? Who is his Father? Who is his son? Where he lives. Why we can’t see him? etc.

So Surah Ikhlas was revealed to introduce Allah SWT. So a term was used for kids. This Surah is an introduction to Allah SWT. So this surah will teach us about Allah and his oneness.

noble quran

Step 3. The message or theme of surah Ikhlas

The message of this Surah is Towheed. That Allah is the only one. He is the lord and creator of the universe. So he is running this universe all alone. He could not be like mankind. Allah doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or have a family. So a chapter of Towheed was already done. We can relate.

The chapter on towhead could be seen in the other post. Here are some pictures from that chapter. (From the book ‘Islamic education grade 4 ) These pictures show that the attributions of Allah and powers of Allah like tightening sight power, hearing,, and knowing are His own. He gave us a very small share of His powers as a gift. So Allah is one Lord, Allah, and Rub. These three terms are explained in the Towheed chapter.

Step 4. Word-to-word translation of the surah

Now it’s time to understand verse by verse and word by word. We used my First Quran with pictures Book for Translation. So we do write word meanings on screen share. Children have to note and memorize the meanings. pictures help us to Understand easily. Children can Use the book to write meanings or notebooks where they write Arabic with meanings. See Pictures

Step 5. Translation of Surah Ikhlas

Now after well understanding and explaining the word meanings and message of Surah we do a full translation from the Other Islamic studies book. Now it’s time to recite the Surah by heart with Translation.

Step 6. Chapter of Surah / Tafseer

For Tafseer and discussions, we read this chapter from Ilsamic Education book. As The introduction and other information about the surah were already delivered to the children. The introduction, the terms, and the excellency of surah were done. Now Children do read the text straight and take an active part in discussions.

Step 7. Exercise

It’s time to assess. We got this exercise from the book Islamic education and solved it. . Here is a picture of the Surah Ikhlaas chapter. But we also do a revision of word-to-word translation and full translation. Children recite every verse and then tell me word meanings and translations of verses.

Step 8. The excellence of Surah Ikhlaas

Now it’s time to tell the excellency of the SURAH. here are some notes from the chapter and Tafseer of Surah Ikhlas. It’s a very very important surah and 1/3 part of the Quran. Towheed is the 1/3 part of the Qur’an and its teachings are very clear.

So We are sure that children would strengthen their belief after covering this surah. When to read was also noted. Alhamdulillah. This surah is Also included in Morning and evening Azkar according to Hadith.

Step 9. Mind map.

When we did all activities we do a mind map of the Surah. From LIVEMUSLIM.ORG I got this beautiful mind map. Children enjoyed doing mind mapping of the surah. The mind map is a tried and useful method of putting things in lifelong memory. So In sha Allah children will never forget the meaning and message of the surah after doing a mind map. You can see the video of Minmap from the Surah Ikhas full in Video playlist.

Step 10. Activities on Towheed

Here are some activities we did on towhead. These pictures were taken from the towhead chapter (Islamic studies)and discussed with the children. The three pillars of Towheed are shown in the drawing.

Allah is one in creations (LORD)

Allah is one in his attribution (Rub)

Allah is the only God whom we should worship. (Ilah)

Other activities.

Calligraphy of Allah’s names was done. So that children can understand the status of Allah. They can bond with Allah’s love and do work on Allah’s attributions.

Step 11. Stories For Children

Surah Ikhlass would be taught with the help of a special story. You can read the reflection of surah Ikhlas in a story here.

According to the chapter on Towheed and the topic of surah we read some stories from the Book ‘My First Qura’an story book’. This book has various stories about creations and prophets that are told in Quraan. So the stories like ‘In the Beginning,

The first man ‘ and ‘ The Pride of Iblees’ were told to the children. It helps them to enjoy the Towheed chapter and to understand the stories of creation and Knowing their lord. Alhamdulillah.

Video PlayList

Books we have used to Learn Islam online.

You can buy these books here

Other courses we have

  • Online Quran classes for all levels.
  • We have Easy Tafseer for kids with exciting stories you can see that course in my hadith course tab.
  • Prayer for kids course is a short course to teach about taharat, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars and conditions of prayer, and method of prayer. Search as Prayer for kids course on the search bar.
  • Ramzan boost course we do start 2 weeks before Ramzan.
  • Faith boos course In December to say No To Marry Christmas.
  • Kindness to Parents

If you want to start this course with me then leave a comment, Email me, or enroll your child here.

Enrolments Available

Tafseer for kids’ group classes are available online for all time zones. Recommended age for the class tafseer for kids is 9+. These classes are available in English and Urdu. For children under 8 and adults we have Islamic education classes. If you want to enrol your child in our classes contact us via.

email: bh********@gm***.com


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