This is the story of Prophet Saleh and Surah Ash Shams. This is a very interesting story crafted for children to explain the surah easiest way. Let’s start our story.

Surah Ash shams reflection

“The Illuminated Hearts”:

surah ash shams,

One bright afternoon, Grandma Aisha sat with her grandchildren in the cozy living room. The scent of freshly baked cookies filled the air as the children gathered around, eager for stories from their wise grandmother.

Grandma Aisha: “My little treasures, today I’ll share a tale from Surah Ash-Shams, a chapter filled with wisdom and lessons for our hearts. Allah, the Most Merciful, begins this surah with a series of oaths, each carrying a profound message.”

Lina, the youngest, asked with wide eyes: “Why so many oaths, Grandma?”

Grandma Aisha smiled: “Each oath emphasizes recognizing Allah’s creation. The sun, the moon, the day, the night, the sky, and the earth all bear witness to the perfection of Allah’s design. Just as these creations follow a divine order, we too must understand the order in our lives.”

Ahmed, a spirited boy, said, “But Grandma, what’s the order for us?”

Grandma Aisha: “That’s a wonderful question, Ahmed. The order for us is to keep our souls pure. Allah, in His infinite wisdom, has gifted us with a soul and a conscience. Just like we clean our bodies daily, we must purify our hearts from negativity, greed, and arrogance.”

Layla, the thoughtful one, pondered: “How can we purify our souls, Grandma?”

Grandma Aisha, chuckling: “Well, my dear, just like we clean our rooms, we clean our hearts. Acts of kindness, helping others, and being grateful are like windows to our souls. And when we let the light of goodness in, our hearts become pure and bright.”

Inspired by their grandmother’s words, the children shared stories of their acts of kindness, from helping neighbors to sharing toys.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Grandma Aisha began weaving the tale of the people of Thamud. She spoke of their remarkable skills, intelligence, and prosperity. However, among them was a wise and compassionate prophet named Saleh.

A Tale of Surah Ash-Shams and the People of Thamud.”

Grandma Aisha: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there were people known as the Thamud. These were clever and skilled individuals, like their forefathers.

Layla: Forefathers? Who were they?

Grandma Aisha:

The people of Aad, where prophet Hud was sent. So the saved people of Aad were now known as Thamood. They accepted the message of Prophet Hud and were on the right path then. But as time went by, they forgot to be thankful for the wonderful things Allah had given them.

The people of Thamud were bestowed with remarkable skills and unique blessings by Allah. Endowed with exceptional intelligence and craftsmanship, they built grand structures and carved dwellings into the mountains, showcasing their architectural prowess. Their skills in agriculture and irrigation allowed them to cultivate the arid lands, turning barren spaces into flourishing gardens.

Blessed with strength and ingenuity, the people of Thamud thrived in a society marked by prosperity and innovation, enjoying the fruits of their God-given talents. However, these blessings came with a divine expectation of gratitude and righteous conduct, a lesson that echoes through the story of Thamud in the Quran

In this land, Allah sent a special messenger named Prophet Saleh to guide the people back to the right path. He came with a message of goodness and kindness, urging them to be grateful for Allah’s blessings.

Now, Allah decided to test the Thamud with a remarkable miracle—a magical she-camel. This wasn’t just any camel; it had a special schedule for drinking water, and it was a sign of Allah’s incredible power.

Prophet Saleh (PBUH) told the Thamud about the importance of taking care of this unique camel and respecting the signs of Allah. He warned them not to harm the camel or face severe consequences.

But, oh dear! There were some people among the Thamud who didn’t listen. They became proud and rebellious, thinking they knew better than Allah’s messenger. They decided to harm the she-camel, a symbol of goodness.

Qudar, driven by arrogance and defiance, plotted to harm the she-camel. One fateful day, as the she-camel quenched its thirst, Qudar took a bow and arrow, aiming for the defenseless creature. The arrow struck, causing severe harm to the miraculous camel.

Upon this wicked act, a divine punishment was set in motion. The skies darkened, and a thunderous sound echoed through the valley. Allah’s wrath descended upon the people of Thamud in the form of a violent earthquake and a powerful scream from the heavens.

The once-prosperous town of Thamud lay in ruins. The defiant and corrupt were destroyed, while those who followed Prophet Saleh and upheld righteousness were saved. Qudar, the one who harmed the she-camel, faced a fitting punishment as he was seized by the angel of death.

The story of Thamud and Prophet Saleh serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of arrogance, defiance, and corruption. It emphasizes the importance of gratitude, obedience to divine guidance, and the severe repercussions for those who choose the path of wickedness.

So, dear children, let’s be like the heroes in this story. Be kind, be grateful for the blessings around you, and always listen to the good advice given by those who guide you on the right path. In doing so, you’ll live a magical and happy tale filled with goodness and success.

As Grandma Aisha concluded the story, the room fell silent, the weight of the tale sinking in. The children, now aware of the importance of goodness and humility, carried the lessons of Surah Ash-Shams in their hearts.

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