Summer crafts/art/activities for preschoolers and summer camps.
A plastic bottle small aquarium.
free and with disposable items
Thing you need to make it
- A white plastic bottle
- Some small stones
- Finger color
- Paper to draw fish
- Water
How to make?
- Cut plastic bottle into the half, Be sure it corners are harmless.
- Color stones blue, sea green and brown
- Make fish of different sizes and colors on a paper and cut them out
- Now add some water and colored stones in the bottler and some drops of blue color to make water bluer.
- Now be sure the bottle is drying from out side
- and at the last, you will stick fish on all round sides of the bottle so that they look like floating into the water.
It is very simple to make
children love activities like this…and also continuously keep talking with children .
- About sea
- nature,
- fish, fish foods,
- fish are our food,
- fish lays eggs,
- bigger fish eats smaller fish,
- they can’t live with out water,
- how we could keep clean sea and rivers for the sake of fish
- and other animals live in the water,
- Get more summer crafts here.
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Great post.