Title: Islamic dawa centers: Promoting Understanding and Education Title: Islamic dawa centers: Promoting Understanding and EducationIntroduction :Understanding Dawah:Objectives of Islamic Dawah Centers :Activities and Programs:Impact and Significance:Here is a list...
_ The first Surah reveald in Makkah on Prophet Muhammad SAW when he was 40 yrs old. This is a very important surah which was revealed in two parts. Both parts have different thems. Surah Alaq can be taught step by step using an approach that encompasses understanding...
Step 1: Research the Legal RequirementsStep 2: Goals and objectives Step 3: Curriculum (Get Books)Step 4: Plan Your LessonsStep 5: Get the Necessary ResourcesStep 6: Join Muslim Homeschooling GroupStep 7: Keep Records and Create a Portfolio (Get)Step 8: Decorating and...