How do we make memorization Quran easy for your child? let’s have a tour of our group classes

memorization Quran


Welcome to our site(memorization Quran) for the best experience for Teachers. Memorization of the Quran is really a hard and lengthy project. especially when we are living in none Muslim countries it’s hard to find any online or local teacher with good teaching skills and reliability.

So the request of parents is increasing day by day. Parents were insisting, I should provide an online Quran learning program too.

It is really not an easy task for me to manage a lot of things. But I know my students need the best Quran reading and memorization program too. So finally, I’m able to provide you with my trusty and best-trained teachers to teach online.

What will be the method of memorizing the Quran?

We will start a Surah some small and excellent surah and day by day we will start to memorize it( Surah plans will be monthly)

Easy tips for of memorization Quran

We will Use these 6 Tips to Memorise Quran Small Surah for kids and adults.💁‍♂️💁‍♀️

1. We will choose a small Surah. Like Surah Al-Alla (Which we need to recite in Witter prayer) Surah Mulk

Then Sura Al-Fallaq, Than Surah Al-Ikhlaas and up.

2. We will recite some verses of the surah 3 times daily.

3. We will choose a recitation video/Audio of the best Qari for kids and play the video/audio in class. The verse will be on screen and children will follow the verses with concentration. Athey will also recite the verses with Qari.

4. Daily revision and assessment.

5. Every child will get a few minutes to recite new verses.

6. We will listen to the memorized verses the next day and start learning the next verses/surahs with the same repetition.

We do not force children to read and memorize only. But our focus will be on keeping them motivated.

We will have some tests and competitions and acknowledgment for children.

Besties of Our teachers

Our teachers are Educated and well-mannered

Our teachers are sincere with their profession.

Our teachers are well-trained in teaching online. they will use all new technologies and resources for teaching online.

Our teachers are smiling faces and are friendly. They know how to keep children engaged in online classes,

Our teachers are highly qualified and they know how to manage the class.

Our teachers are very punctual and loyal to students.

Classes schedules and timetable memorization Quran.

We will have group classes. (7 to 10 children in every group. )

We will have a group class days a week.

The class will be 45 minutes long.

If the child will be prepared and joins classes we will reduce 45 minutes to 30 minutes of class. But if any child will be unable to memorize given verses, then the class will be prolonged for him only.

We can arrange one-to-one classes according to your time schedule.

For enrolment Please visit our courses sign-in Tab or email us

Tafseer for short Surahs

Other courses we have

Hadith with stories course consists of 30 short hadith for children with interesting stories you can see that course in my hadith course tab.
Prayer for kids courses is short courses to teach about that, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars and conditions of prayer, and method of prayer. Search as Prayer for kids course on the search bar.
Kindness to Parents
Ramzan Boost course
Faith boost course in December to say NO MARYY CHRISTMAS

Enrolments Available

Tafseer for kids’ group classes is available online for all time zones. Recommended age for the class Tafseer for kids is 9+. These classes are available in English and Urdu. If you want to enroll your child in our classes contact us via.


Youtube Urdu Channel

Youtube English Channel

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