This is a story of a child who lost his health because of his bad eating habits. This worksheet and hadith will teach healthy habits of eating to kids.

Dear kids today again I have a beautiful Hadith and a story for you. Today’s Hadith is about Using the right hand during eating and the Story is about ‘A hungry boy’


healthy habits of eating

Sahih Muslim 2020: لاَ يَأْكُلَنَّ أَحَدٌ مِنْكُمْ بِشِمَالِهِ

None of you should eat with his left hand

Dear kids after reading the topic of the Hadith you get to know that we should not eat with our left hand. What are the harmful effects of it and why we should not eat with the left hand let’s hear a story.

Story of A Hungry Boy: Ali

Ali was a good and well-mannered child, he always behaved well and respect others, he played and studied also on time, and everyone praised him, but dear kids after some time Ali’s habits began to change.

Now it happened that Ali focused more to play games, he always started to play with things especially while eating the food. He always had something in hand to play. 

Dear kids whenever Ali had to at something, he took the mobile phone for a game or a toy to play with while eating or sometimes took the little cars to play.

He started to eat with his left hand so that he can play with his right hand.

Dear kids do you know that a devil eats with those who eat with the left hand, and if the left hand is used for eating the blessing of food is gone in the devil’s tummy?

One day Ali’s mother advised him that my dear kid,

Eating with the left hand is a bad habit, but Ali forgot to avoid it, and now he becomes habitual to eat like this. 

Now, whenever he eats with the left hand a devil took his blessing of food, and it goes into the devil’s tummy.

Every time Ali ate food with his left hand and could not be satisfied, and still feels hungry, he becomes weak day by day. He started to eat again and again but the food was not enough for him, because he forgot the manners of eating.

  • He did not wash his hands.
  • He always forgot to say bismillah/ Alhamdolilah…………..
  • Never eats with the right hand 
  • He started to play while eating

Devil was so happy because every bad habit of Ali was his favorite, the devil was becoming fat because every time he got the energy of Ali’s food.

Ali could not play more like before because he got hungry soon while playing and returned home.

So only he saw the kids playing outside from the window.

Dear kids his parents were worried about him but Ali did not listen to them and got angry every time.

He was out of control now, often he ate the food of his brother and sister as well, and even then he could not be satisfied, his story of hunger spread everywhere, and his relatives and family members could not make him satisfied by giving him food.

At last, somebody told his parents that the solution is to ask Allah’s devoted man. who could cure him mentally?

Ali’s parents took him to a wise Noble and Allah’s devoted servant. He heard his problem and said

Don’t worry, Ali has no problem, In Sha, Allah Ali will be alright in a few days.

The man asked Ali to stay with him and arranged food for him. When Ali started to eat the man said Ali you have to obey some terms before eating the food. Ali was so hungry for a long time so he asked me to tell him what terms I have to obey I can’t wait for it anymore.

The devoted man asked Ali to wash his hands first, Ali washed his hands quickly,

Then he said now recite bismillah………………

Ali recited bismillah……………..and then start to eat but 

Remember you have to eat with the right hand 

No matter how much time you take to eat it.

Ali recited bismillah……..and then started to eat with the right hand, he felt it difficult to eat with the right hand and was not comfortable, because he forgot this habit, as it was a strict term Somali continued to eat step by step with the right hand.

Dear kids this time the devil could not get a share of his food, the devil waited for Ali to at with the left hand so that it could be shared by the devil.

But the devoted man was sitting with Ali, Somali did not eat with his left hand and finished his meal and also got the satisfaction that his tummy is full now. the devil slept hungrily.

Dear kids the devoted man whenever gave food to Ali,

He ate it with his right hand.

Due to the devoted man’s wisdom, the devil runs away.

Ali started to eat food according to his hunger and on time.

 Ali’s parents were thankful to the devoted man.

 Ali also promised himself that he will never change his habit of eating with the right hand.

Dear kids you see how Ali was trapped by the devil due to his bad eating habit. If we want to be healthy and physically strong we should add these

Sunnah’s healthy habits of eating:

The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) includes various manners and etiquettes when it comes to eating. Here are some examples of Sunnah eating manners:

  1. Saying the Bismillah (In the name of Allah) before eating: It is recommended to start each meal by saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah). This serves as a reminder of gratitude and seeking blessings from Allah.
  2. Eating with the right hand: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged eating with the right hand and using the right hand for other noble actions. It is considered more hygienic and respectful.
  3. Eating from what is closest: It is recommended to eat from what is closest to you instead of reaching for food far away. This promotes moderation and consideration for others.
  4. Eating in a seated position: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised eating while sitting down, preferably on the floor or at a low table. This posture promotes better digestion.
  5. Eating with three fingers: It is recommended to eat with the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would often do. This helps in controlling portion sizes and promotes mindful eating.
  6. Eating together: Whenever possible, it is encouraged to eat meals in a group or with family members. This fosters a sense of community and strengthens family bonds.
  7. Thanking Allah after eating: After finishing the meal, it is recommended to praise and thank Allah by saying “Alhamdulillah” (All praise be to Allah). This expresses gratitude for the sustenance provided.
  8. Not wasting food: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized avoiding wastefulness. It is encouraged to take only what is sufficient and to finish the food on one’s plate, being mindful of those who may be less fortunate.

These are some examples of Sunnah eating manners that are recommended for Muslims to follow. By incorporating these etiquettes into daily meals, one can align their eating habits with the teachings of Islam and promote mindfulness, gratitude, and moderation.

Other healthy habits of eating:

Developing healthy eating habits is crucial for maintaining a balanced diet and promoting overall well-being. Here are some key healthy habits to incorporate into your eating routine:

  1. Eat a variety of foods: Aim to include a wide range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. This ensures you get a diverse array of nutrients.
  2. Portion control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls to help control portion sizes and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.
  3. Eat regular meals: Establish a routine of regular meals and snacks throughout the day to maintain consistent energy levels. Skipping meals can lead to overeating or making unhealthy food choices later on.
  4. Include fruits and vegetables: Make fruits and vegetables the focal point of your meals. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber while being low in calories. Aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
  5. Choose whole grains: Opt for whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, and oats over refined grains. Whole grains provide more fiber and nutrients, promoting better digestion and overall health.
  6. Limit processed foods: Minimize the consumption of processed and packaged foods, as they are often high in unhealthy fats, added sugars, and sodium. Instead, focus on whole, natural foods.
  7. Drink plenty of water: Hydration is essential for various bodily functions. Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day, and limit sugary drinks and excessive caffeine intake.
  8. Cook at home: Preparing your meals at home allows you to have control over the ingredients and cooking methods. It enables you to make healthier choices, such as reducing added sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium.
  9. Limit added sugars and salt: Be mindful of your sugar and salt intake. Read food labels and choose products with lower amounts of added sugars and sodium. Opt for natural sweeteners like honey or fresh fruits instead of refined sugar.
  10. Practice mindful eating: Slow down and savor each bite. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and sensations of the food you consume. This practice helps you become more aware of your body’s hunger and fullness signals.
  11. Plan and prepare ahead: Plan your meals and snacks in advance to avoid impulsive and unhealthy food choices. Stock your pantry and fridge with nutritious options to make it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals.
  12. Seek balance, not perfection: Remember that healthy eating is a long-term lifestyle approach. Allow yourself occasional treats or indulgences while focusing on a well-balanced diet overall.

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice based on your specific dietary needs and goals.

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