Title: Exploring the 6 Articles of Faith in Islam: Online Course for Children

6 articles of faith in islam

The six articles of faith, also known as the pillars of iman, are the foundational beliefs that Muslims hold. Here is a detailed explanation of each article:

Belief in Allah (God):

Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah, that there is only one God.

Allah is eternal, all-powerful, and the creator of the universe.

Muslims believe in Allah’s divine attributes, such as His mercy, knowledge, and justice.

They believe in worshipping and obeying Allah alone and recognizing Him as the ultimate authority.

Belief in Angels:

Muslims believe in the existence of angels, who are spiritual beings created by Allah.

Angels have no physical form and are invisible to humans.

They carry out specific tasks assigned by Allah, such as delivering messages, recording deeds, and protecting individuals.

Muslims believe in the archangel Jibril (Gabriel), who brought revelations from Allah to the prophets.

Belief in Prophets:

Muslims believe in the prophets and messengers sent by Allah to guide humanity.

They include well-known figures like Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and others.

Prophets were chosen by Allah and were entrusted with delivering His message to people.

Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger and that his teachings and example (Sunnah) are to be followed.

Belief in Divine Books:

Muslims believe that Allah revealed divine books to guide humanity.

The Quran is the central and final book of Islam, believed to be the direct word of Allah as revealed to Prophet Muhammad.

Muslims also believe in the original scriptures sent to earlier prophets, such as the Torah revealed to Moses and the Injeel (Gospel) revealed to Jesus.

The Quran is considered the most authentic and complete book, providing guidance for all aspects of life.

Belief in the Day of Judgment:

Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment, also known as the Last Day or the Day of Resurrection.

On this day, Allah will resurrect all individuals from their graves to be held accountable for their deeds.

Muslims believe in the balance of justice, where each person’s good and bad deeds will be weighed.

The righteous will be rewarded with Paradise (Jannah), while the wicked will face punishment in Hellfire (Jahannam).

Belief in Divine Decree (Qadr):

Muslims believe in Allah’s divine decree and predestination.

They believe that everything happens according to Allah’s will and knowledge.

This belief includes accepting that Allah has knowledge of all things past, present, and future.

Muslims understand that while humans have free will, Allah’s ultimate plan and decree are always in effect.

These six articles of faith form the foundation of Islamic belief. They guide Muslims in understanding the purpose of life, the relationship with Allah, and the principles and values that shape their actions and interactions with others. By adhering to these beliefs, Muslims strive to lead a righteous life, seeking Allah’s pleasure and aiming for eternal happiness in the Hereafter.

Course Outline:

6 articles of faith in islam

Introduction to Islam

Understanding the basics of Islam as a comprehensive way of life.

Introducing the concept of the Seven Articles of Islam.

Tawhid: Oneness of Allah

Explaining the belief in the Oneness of Allah.

Discussing the attributes of Allah and His role as the Creator.

Engaging children through stories and interactive activities.

Prophethood: Belief in Prophets and Messengers

Introducing the concept of Prophets and Messengers in Islam.

Highlighting the importance of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the final Messenger.

Learning about other Prophets and their significant contributions.

Divine Books: Belief in Revealed Scriptures

Understanding the importance of Divine Books in Islam.

Discussing the Quran as the final and preserved revelation.

Exploring the stories and lessons from various Prophets and scriptures.

Angels: Belief in Angelic Beings

Exploring the world of angels and their role in Islamic beliefs.

Learning about popular angels like Jibril (Gabriel) and Mika’il (Michael).

Understanding the concept of guardian angels and their presence in our lives.

Day of Judgment: Belief in the Afterlife

Discussing the belief in the Day of Judgment and life after death.

Exploring the concept of accountability and the scale of deeds.

Engaging children through thought-provoking discussions on the significance of righteous actions.

Qadar: Belief in Divine Decree and Destiny

Understanding the concept of Qadar, the divine decree.

Discussing the balance between free will and predestination.

Encouraging children to trust in Allah’s wisdom and guidance.

Conclusion and Recap

Summarizing the key teachings and principles of the Seven Articles of Islam.

Providing an opportunity for children to ask questions and seek clarification.

Encouraging reflection and application of the learned knowledge in daily life.

Mind Map:

Seven Articles of Islam
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Tawhid Prophethood Divine Angels Day of Judgment

By following this course outline and utilizing engaging teaching methods, interactive discussions, stories, and activities, children will develop a solid understanding of the Seven Articles of Islam in a fun and interactive online learning environment.

Teaching Method of 6 Articles of Islam

Crafts, Activities, and Assessments for Exploring the Seven Articles of Islam:

Introduction to Islam

Craft: Create an Islamic art collage using cut-out shapes and patterns.

Activity: Share personal stories of how Islam is practiced in daily life.

Assessment: Conduct a group discussion to assess children’s prior knowledge about Islam.

Tawhid: Oneness of Allah

Craft: Design and decorate “Allah is One” posters.

Activity: Play a game where children identify and match attributes of Allah.

Assessment: Ask children to draw or write about how they practice Tawhid in their lives.

Prophethood: Belief in Prophets and Messengers

Craft: Make paper puppets of Prophets and act out their stories.

Activity: Create a timeline of major Prophets and their key messages.

Assessment: Have children narrate a Prophet’s story and explain its moral lesson.

Divine Books: Belief in Revealed Scriptures

Craft: Decorate mini Quran bookmarks with Islamic calligraphy.

Activity: Organize a “Quran Challenge” where children find verses related to specific topics.

Assessment: Ask children to present their favorite Quranic verse and explain its meaning.

Angels: Belief in Angelic Beings

Craft: Construct angel wings using paper, feathers, and glitter.

Activity: Role-play different scenarios where angels play a part in guiding individuals.

Assessment: Have children create a comic strip depicting an angel’s role in their lives.

Day of Judgment: Belief in the Afterlife

Craft: Design and decorate “Jannah (Paradise)” and “Jahannam (Hell)” posters.

Activity: Organize a mock trial where children discuss moral choices and consequences.

Assessment: Conduct a reflective writing activity on how to prepare for the Day of Judgment.

Qadar: Belief in Divine Decree and Destiny

Craft: Create a “Trust in Allah” jar filled with positive affirmations and gratitude notes.

Activity: Engage in a discussion on overcoming challenges and trusting Allah’s plan.

Assessment: Ask children to share a personal story highlighting their trust in Allah’s decree.

Conclusion and Recap

Craft: Design a “Seven Articles of Islam” booklet with illustrations and summaries.

Activity: Conduct a group quiz or crossword puzzle on the key concepts learned.

Assessment: Assign children to create a presentation showcasing their understanding of the Seven Articles.

By incorporating crafts, activities, and assessments, children will have hands-on experiences, engage their creativity, and reinforce their understanding of the Seven Articles of Islam. These interactive methods will make the learning process enjoyable, memorable, and effective.

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