This is a short story about a boy, Asad. This short story for kids will teach that, Give thanks to people, so that you may be in the habit of giving thanks. Being thankful to people increases love for one another and Allah is pleased too.


Dear children, Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said:

‘He is not gratified of Allah, who is not grateful of people ‘
short story for kids

Story of Grateful Asad

short story for kids

Asad and Ahmed reached the school almost at the same time. Their vans were parked parallel to each other. Asad got out of his van and said a loud ‘JazakAllah khyara uncle, Ahmed looked at him with surprise.

The same thing happened when the guard opened the gate for them. Ahmed just entered the school without paying attention while Asad stopped and greeted the gatekeeper with a big warm smile followed by a ‘thank you.

Ahmed secretly admired his friend for being thankful to the driver and the gatekeeper and silently made a promise to himself to practice the same the next morning. He was engrossed in his thoughts when the bell rang. It was lunchtime already,

The children were playing football when the ball accidentally hit Asad’s lunch box. The pasta was all on the ground. Luckily he had eaten most of it already but it still made a slimy mess all over the ground and Ahmed went out to eat their meal, his pasta fell to the ground where the cleaner came and cleaned up quickly.  So Asad thanked him and went to the classroom again, his teacher came and did the rest of the school work.  When he left, Assad called him Jazak Allah.  And the two of them went home after off time. 

 the next day when they came to school again. Asad did the same to say thank you and jazakAllah to everyone from the watchman to the canteen uncle. Ahmad noticed that during the playing game, Asad was used to saying thanks to friends for every bit of action. 

When Ahmed asked him why you thank everyone or Jazak Allah even though there is nothing to thank him for.  It must be paid because it increases one’s love and the other rewards God.  Do you think to yourself if our teachers do not help us and do not explain to us, how can we get knowledge on whether it is necessary to call Jazakallah or not? 

Likewise, if the cleaning uncle does not clean up, who will clean up the school as much as we mess it up, then thank them first.  Likewise, the watchman, canteen uncle and the driver’s uncle all help us, so we should thank them too.  This will make them happy and we will get a reward from Allah too. 

Ahmed said, “You are saying the exact thing. I never thought that.”  Asad, How good are you from whom have you learned all this?  Asad said that I learned all this from my father and mother.  They say that we should thank all those who work for us in our homes.  We thank them when our Ami Jan makes food for us. Likewise, when Aba Jan comes to the market with our necessities and food, we thank him too. 

Amy Jan says that if we get used to this, we will also thank Allah who gives us every blessing without saying. 

Ahmed said, “Well then I will do the same today.”  But tell me another thing. Assad said, “Yes, Ahmed must ask. What do you want to ask?”  Ahmed said, “You call the teacher and friends Jizak Allah while you thank the sweeper Uncle and the watchman Uncle. What is the reason for this?”

Asad said because both uncles are not Muslims so I say only thank you,  and It is not enough to thank the Muslims Therefore simply, they should say ‘Jazak Allah’ which means that Allah will reward them for it.  It is also a prayer and a reward.

  Ahmed said, “You have told me very well. You are my very good friend.”  Then both of them went home while talking to all these.

Dear children, From today onwards you have to adopt this habit and be grateful to Allah as well as to people.  We also have to help others learn good things and get rewarded.  This hadith has to be forwarded by all of you.  Then we will meet with another lovely Hadith and story. 

Written by Adiba Anwar

This story has been written for my Hadith with stories course for kids. This is a free course available online for Parents to teach at home and for teachers as well. This course is available in English and Urdu.

Video of this story in English

Video of this story Asad in Urdu


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This is a short course of hadith and stories from My 30 short hadith with stories course. My hadith course is very much liked and appreciated by parents and students. Online group classes are available online for all time zones.

Recommended age for the class Hadith for kids is for all. These classes are available in English and Urdu. If you want to enroll your child in our classes contact us via.

Other courses we have

  • Online Quran classes for all levels.
  • Easy Tafseer for kids with interesting stories you can see that course in my hadith course tab.
  • Prayer for kids course is a short course to teach about taharat, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars and conditions, and prayer method. Search as Prayer for kids course on the search bar.
  • Ramzan boost course we do start 2 weeks before Ramzan.
  • Faith boos course In December to say No To Marry Christmas.
  • Kindness to Parents
  • Urdu classes for kids and beginners
  • Urdu Tutions for Matric and 0 levels/A level

If you want to start this course with me then leave a comment, Email me, or enroll your child here.

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