Introduction of Surah adiyat:

surah adiyat

Surah Adiyat, also known as Al-Adiyat, is the 100th chapter of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam. It is classified as a Makki surah, meaning it was revealed in Mecca during the early years of Prophet Muhammad’s mission. The surah consists of 11 verses and derives its name from the word “adiyat” in the first verse, which translates to “the chargers” or “the warhorses.”

Surah Adiyat is a short but powerful chapter that addresses themes of human ingratitude, materialism, and the Day of Judgment. It vividly portrays a scene of warhorses charging into battle, symbolizing the power, strength, and fervor of those who engage in combat. The surah emphasizes the role of such horses and their riders in the pursuit of worldly gain, highlighting the human tendency to become preoccupied with material possessions and neglectful of their spiritual responsibilities.

Through its vivid imagery and strong linguistic style, Surah Adiyat draws attention to the ingratitude of mankind and the importance of recognizing and appreciating the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah. It serves as a reminder of the transitory nature of worldly possessions and the ultimate accountability of humans on the Day of Judgment.

Overall, Surah Adiyat invites individuals to reflect on their attitudes, actions, and priorities in life, urging them to be mindful of their responsibilities and to show gratitude to their Creator.

Word-by-word Arabic to English translation of Surah Adiyat:

بِسْمِ (Bismi) – In (the) name ٱللَّهِ (Allahi) – of Allah,

ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ (Rahmani) –

The Most Gracious, ٱلرَّحِيمِ (Rahimi) – The Most Merciful.

وَٱلْعَـٰدِيَـٰتِ (Wal-‘ādiyāti) – By (the) chargers,

ضَبْحًۭا (ḍabḥan) – panting,

إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَـٰنَ (Inna al-insāna) – Indeed,

mankind, لِرَبِّهِ (li-rabbihi) – to his Lord,

لَكَنُودٌۭ (lakanūdun) – is ungrateful.

وَإِنَّهُۥ (wa-innahu) – And indeed, he,

لِحُبِّ ٱلْخَيْرِ (liḥubbi al-khayr) – for the love of good,

لَشَدِيدٌۭ (lashadīdun) – is intense.

أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ (Afalā ya’lamu) – Does he not know,

إِذَا بُعْثِرَ (idhā bu’thira) – when the contents of the graves are scattered,

مَا فِى ٱلْقُبُورِ (mā fī al-qubūr) – what is in the graves is thrown out?

وَحُصِّلَ (waḥuṣṣila) – And that which is in (the) breasts,

مَا فِى ٱلصُّدُورِ (mā fī aṣ-ṣudūr) – is exposed.

إِنَّ رَبَّهُم بِهِمْ (Inna rabbahum bihim) – Indeed, their Lord,

يَوْمَئِذٍۢ (yawma’idhin) – on that Day,

لَخَبِيرٌۭ (lakhabeerun) – is All-Aware.

Verse-by-verse explanation of Surah Adiyat

Here’s a simplified verse-by-verse explanation of Surah Adiyat (Chapter 100) for children, based on the Tafsir Ibn Kathir: (You can see The videos of word by word translation/Explainnation in the video playlist.)

Verse 1: “By the galloping horses,”

Explanation: This verse talks about fast horses that run swiftly and make a sound while running. It shows us how powerful and energetic they are.

Verse 2: “And those that produce sparks [by striking],”

Explanation: These horses strike the ground with their hooves and create sparks. It’s like when you rub two stones together and see sparks. It shows how strong and fast they are.

Verse 3: “And those that raid at dawn,”

Explanation: These horses are used in battles and they charge forward early in the morning to attack the enemy. It shows their bravery and courage.

Verse 4: “And stir up thereby [clouds of] dust,”

Explanation: As the horses run, they kick up the dust on the ground and create a cloud of dust. It shows how they leave a trail behind them as they move swiftly.

Verse 5: “And penetrate thereby into the enemy ranks,”

Explanation: These horses charge through the enemy lines with great force and bravery. They break through the enemy’s defenses and create chaos.

Verse 6: “Indeed, mankind is ungrateful to his Lord.”

Explanation: This verse reminds us that sometimes people forget to be grateful to Allah, who is our Creator and Sustainer. We should always remember to thank Allah for everything He has given us.

Verse 7: “And indeed, he is to that a witness.”

Explanation: Allah is watching everything we do, and He knows whether we are grateful to Him or not. He is aware of our actions and will reward or punish us accordingly.

Verse 8: “And indeed, he is in love of wealth, intense.”

Explanation: People often get too attached to their wealth and belongings. They become so obsessed with money and material things that they forget about their spiritual responsibilities.

Verse 9: “But does he not know that when the contents of the graves are scattered,”

Explanation: This verse is a reminder that one day, when the Day of Judgment comes, all the things that people were attached to in this world will be left behind. Wealth and possessions will not matter anymore.

Verse 10: “And that within the breasts is obtained,”

Explanation: On the Day of Judgment, everything we have done, said, and felt will be exposed. Allah knows what is hidden in our hearts and will judge us based on our intentions and actions.

Verse 11: “Indeed, their Lord, with them that Day, is [fully] Acquainted.”

Explanation: This verse tells us that on the Day of Judgment, Allah will be fully aware of everything we have done. He will judge us based on our deeds, and we will be held accountable for our actions.

This explanation aims to simplify the verses of Surah Adiyat for children, focusing on the key messages conveyed by Tafsir Ibn Kathir.

Surah Adiyat Mind Map:

The mind map of Suraha adiyat is also added in to our Video playlist. Click the playlist down

  1. Introduction
    • Surah Adiyat is about powerful horses in battle.
  2. Description of Powerful Horses
    • Galloping horses
    • Producing sparks with hooves
    • Raiding at dawn
    • Stirring up clouds of dust
    • Penetrating the enemy ranks
  3. A reminder of Human Ingratitude
    • People often forget to be grateful to Allah
    • Neglecting gratitude towards their Lord
  4. Allah as a Witness
    • Allah is aware of our gratitude or lack thereof
    • He witnesses our actions
  5. Warning against Materialism
    • People become intensely attached to wealth
    • Love for material possessions overshadows spiritual responsibilities
  6. A reminder of the Day of Judgment
    • The contents of graves will be scattered
    • Hidden matters will be revealed
    • Allah is fully acquainted with everything
  7. Conclusion
    • Reflect on the power of horses and their significance
    • Acknowledge Allah’s knowledge and judgment

This mind map provides an overview of Surah Adiyat according to the Tafsir Ibn Kathir, highlighting the key themes and messages of the surah.

Excellency of Adiyat

The excellence of Surah Al-‘Adiyat lies in its powerful and thought-provoking message. It serves as a reminder to reflect on our priorities, detach ourselves from worldly distractions, and focus on our spiritual well-being. It teaches us the importance of gratitude, humility, and the inevitability of being held accountable for our actions.

As with every chapter of the Quran, the true value and benefit of Surah Al-‘Adiyat come from reading, understanding, and applying its teachings in our lives. It is recommended to recite and ponder upon the meanings of the surah, seeking guidance and wisdom from its verses.

Activities to implement the reflection of Surah Adiyat

Here are teaching tips/methods for different aspects related to Surah Al-‘Adiyat:( All these activities will be added into our gallery.)

  1. Tajweed Recitation:
  • Start by teaching the basic rules of Tajweed, such as proper pronunciation, elongation, and the characteristics of letters.
  • Use audio recitations of Surah Al-‘Adiyat by reputable reciters as a reference for students to follow.
  • Break down the verses into smaller segments and practice reciting them with Tajweed rules.
  • Provide feedback and correction when necessary, and encourage students to practice regularly.
  1. Tafsir with Infographics:
  • Create infographics that summarize the main themes and lessons of Surah Al-‘Adiyat.
  • Use visuals and diagrams to illustrate the metaphors and concepts mentioned in the surah.
  • Engage students in discussions by asking open-ended questions about the meanings and implications of the verses.
  • Encourage students to make their own infographics to reinforce their understanding of the surah.
  1. Words Meaning and Translation Memorization:
  • Provide a list of key words and their meanings from Surah Al-‘Adiyat.
  • Break down the verses and discuss the translation and interpretation of each verse.
  • Encourage students to memorize the meanings of selected verses and test their comprehension through recitation and quizzes.
  • Use flashcards or interactive games to make the memorization process more engaging.
  1. Gratitude Journals:
  • Discuss the theme of gratitude in Surah Al-‘Adiyat and its importance in Islam.
  • Have students maintain gratitude journals where they write down things they are grateful for each day.
  • Encourage them to reflect on how they can show gratitude to Allah and others in their daily lives.
  • Share and discuss entries from the gratitude journals in the classroom to foster a positive and thankful atmosphere.
  1. Nature Walk:
  • Organize a nature walk or field trip where students can observe and appreciate the natural world.
  • Connect the beauty and diversity of nature to the verses of Surah Al-‘Adiyat that highlight Allah’s creations.
  • Encourage students to reflect on the lessons from the surah while surrounded by nature and discuss their observations and insights.
  1. Mind Map:
  • Use mind maps to visually organize the main themes, concepts, and connections in Surah Al-‘Adiyat.
  • Start with the central theme of the surah and branch out to different subtopics and related verses.
  • Collaboratively create a mind map as a class or have students create their own individual mind maps to consolidate their understanding.
  1. Assessment with Worksheets:
  • Develop worksheets or quizzes that test students’ understanding of Surah Al-‘Adiyat.
  • Include questions on the meanings of verses, Tajweed rules, and the themes of the surah.
  • Provide feedback and discuss the correct answers to reinforce learning.
  1. Storytelling:
  • Narrate stories or anecdotes related to the themes and lessons of Surah Al-‘Adiyat.
  • Use storytelling techniques to engage students and help them connect emotionally with the message of the surah.
  • Encourage students to share their own stories or reflections inspired by the surah.
  1. Acts of Kindness:
  • Discuss the importance of kindness and compassion, which are highlighted in Surah Al-‘Adiyat.
  • Encourage students to perform acts of kindness towards their family, friends, and community.
  • Provide opportunities for students to share their acts of kindness and reflect on the impact they have made.

Remember to adapt these teaching methods to suit the age, level, and cultural background of your students. Creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment will help students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of Surah Al-‘Adiyat.


Story for the reflection of Surah Adiyat(Written)

Story for the reflection of Surah Adiyat (Video)

Video Playlist

Books (Shop)

My First Quran Picture Book

My First Quran Stories Book

Islamic education By Molvi Abdula Aziz Grade 6

Free Books (pdf)


Quran classes:

We have online quran tajweed, recitation, and Quran Hifz classes for children. One-on-one classes with Qualified teachers.

Quran Tafseer classes:

Short and Easy to understand Quran translation and tafseer will be taught to the young learners. Infographics, mindmaps, work-by-word tajweed and meanings, stories, and duas are included in these classes.

Hadith with Stories course consists of 30 short hadith 

It’s a personality development course for children with interesting stories. 30 short hadiths would be taught with stories. We have worksheets to solve after learning hadiths for implications.

Prayer for kids course :

A short course to teach about taharat, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars, conditions of prayer, and method of prayer.

Kindness to Parents:

A 1-week course to teach the rights of parents with practical work. Dua and how to be kind to parents is included in this course.

6 articles on the Muslim faith:

Faiths/Muslim beliefs would be taught one by one with the help of mind maps and stories in the Quran.

Islamic dress code:

Islamic rules of dressing, Aurah/covering body rules, and modesty dressing will be included in this one-week course.

Ramzan Boost course:

1 month before Ramzan we start this course. Everything about fasting rules and supplication with the Ramzan checklist and daily to-do list is included in this course.

Faith boosts course in December to say NO MARYY CHRISTMAS:

Stories of faith by the Quran will be added in this course with basic articles of faith in this course.

Enrolments Available

All courses Are available to start as in one on one classes. Please have a look at our group courses continued here.

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