Title: Journey of Learning: Inspiring Homeschool Blogs Title: Journey of Learning: Inspiring Homeschool Blogs”Home Adventures:”Creating Magic Moments: “Homeschooling on a Shoestring: “Nature’s Classroom:”Passionate...
Meaning of Sufism:Positive aspects:Negative aspectsWhat are the 4 principles of Sufism?1. Tawhid2. Ihsan3. Tazkiah-al-nafs4. IrfanFamous Sufis in IslamRumi (1207-1273): Ibn Arabi (1165-1240): Al-Hallaj (858-922):Al-Ghazali (1058-1111): Authentic books”The...
Step 1: Research the Legal RequirementsStep 2: Goals and objectives Step 3: Curriculum (Get Books)Step 4: Plan Your LessonsStep 5: Get the Necessary ResourcesStep 6: Join Muslim Homeschooling GroupStep 7: Keep Records and Create a Portfolio (Get)Step 8: Decorating and...
A short biography and life of Prophet Muhammad SAW Birth and childhoodCharacteristicsProphethood and life in MakkahMigration towards MadinaQuran and Prophet PBUHModel of moralityThe character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before the advent of...
What is Islam?The central beliefImportance of Quran and SunnahWhat is Tawhid or monotheism?Duties and Responsibilities of a good MuslimSocial responsibilityPersonal responsibilityBalanced Life of a MuslimConclusionFAQ’sWhat is Islam?Who is Allah?Who is the...