A short biography and life of Prophet Muhammad SAW

prophet Muhammad

Birth and childhood

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), also known as the last prophet of Islam, was born in the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula in the year 570 CE. He was born into a family of the Banu Hashim clan, one of the most respected clans in Mecca. His father, Abdullah, died before his birth, and his mother, Aminah, passed away when he was just six years old. He was raised by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and later by his uncle, Abu Talib.

There are several miracles mentioned in Islamic literature that occurred before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Here are a few examples:

  1. The Elephant Event: In the year of the birth of the Prophet (570 CE), a miraculous event occurred in which the Abyssinian army, led by Abraha, attacked the Kaaba in Mecca with an elephant. According to Islamic tradition, the elephant refused to move when it came close to the Kaaba, and a flock of birds sent by God pelted the army with stones and defeated them.
  2. The Virgin Birth of Maryam (Mary): Islamic tradition holds that the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), Maryam (Mary), was born without a father. This miraculous birth is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Imran (3:47).
  3. The Dream of Ibrahim (Abraham): According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) had a dream in which he saw himself sacrificing his son Ismail (Ishmael). When he told his son about the dream, Ismail agreed to be sacrificed for the sake of God. However, at the last moment, God intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice instead.

It is important to note that these miracles, and others like them, are not considered to be the central message of Islam. Rather, they are seen as signs of God’s power and mercy and are meant to strengthen the faith of believers. The main focus of Islam is on the teachings and message of the Prophet Muhammad, which emphasize the worship of one God, compassion, and moral behavior.


Growing up, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was known for his honesty, integrity, and kindness, and he was known as “Al-Amin,” which means trustworthy. He was known to be a deeply spiritual person, and he would often retreat to the Cave of Hira, near Mecca, to meditate and reflect.

Prophethood and life in Makkah

At the age of 40, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received his first revelation from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel. This event marked the beginning of his prophethood, and he was charged with spreading the message of Islam to the world.

Initially, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) faced opposition from the people of Mecca, who were opposed to his teachings and the message of monotheism that he was spreading. Despite this opposition, he continued to preach and gain followers.

Migration towards Madina

In 622 CE, he and his followers migrated to Medina, on a journey known as the Hijra. This event marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar, and the city of Medina became the first Islamic state, with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as its leader.

In Medina, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) continued to preach and spread the message of Islam, and he also established a constitution that ensured the rights and equality of all citizens, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. He also established the first mosque in Medina, which became the center of the Muslim community and a place for worship, education, and community activities.

In 630 CE, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers returned to Mecca and conquered the city without any resistance. This event marked the end of the opposition to Islam in Mecca, and the city became a center of Islamic learning and culture.

Quran and Prophet PBUH

During his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) continued to receive revelations from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel, and these revelations were later recorded in the Quran, which is considered to be the final and complete revelation from Allah (God) to humanity. The Quran contains Islam’s teachings and guidance, covering a wide range of topics, including morality, ethics, spirituality, and social justice.

Model of morality

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) died in 632 CE in Medina, and his death marked the end of his prophethood. He is considered to be the final prophet of Islam, and Muslims revere him as a model of morality, compassion, and leadership.

The character of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before the advent of Islam

The character of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) before the advent of Islam is generally described in Islamic history as being upright, honest, and fair. He was known for his good character, trustworthiness, and kindness. Some of the notable characteristics of Prophet Muhammad before Islam include:


Prophet Muhammad was known as “Al-Amin” (the trustworthy) for his honesty and integrity. He was known to keep his promises and fulfill his obligations.


He was known for his sense of fairness and justice. He would arbitrate disputes between people and ensure that everyone was treated fairly.


Prophet Muhammad was known for his kindness and compassion towards people. He would help the poor and needy, and he would visit the sick and offer them comfort.


Prophet Muhammad was known for his wisdom and good judgment. People would seek his advice and guidance in matters of importance.


He was known to be respectful to people of all backgrounds and religions, and he would treat them with kindness and dignity.


Prophet Muhammad was known for his humility and modesty. He would not boast about his achievements, and he would never consider himself superior to others.

Overall, the character of Prophet Muhammad before the advent of Islam was marked by his good qualities and virtues, which earned him the trust and respect of the people around him. His character and personality helped him to become a successful leader and reformer, both before and after the revelation of the Quran.

Development of Islamic State

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) played a significant role in the development of Islam, and he transformed the Arabian Peninsula from a region of tribal conflict and superstition to a center of civilization and learning. He established the first Islamic state, which was characterized by equality, justice, and compassion, and he also established the first mosque, which served as the center of the Muslim community and a place for worship, education, and community activities.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a leader

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is widely regarded as one of the greatest leaders in history, not just by Muslims, but by people of different faiths and backgrounds. Here are some reasons why:

He was a visionary:

Prophet Muhammad had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve, which was to establish a just and equitable society based on the principles of Islam. He articulated this vision clearly to his followers and worked tirelessly to make it a reality.

He was a compassionate and just leader:

Prophet Muhammad was known for his compassion, humility, and fairness. He treated everyone, regardless of their social status or background, with respect and kindness. He also established a system of justice that was based on equality before the law, and he made sure that everyone, including the poor and the weak, had access to justice.

He was a skilled communicator:

Prophet Muhammad was an excellent communicator and was able to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures. He was able to convey his message in a clear and concise manner, and he used different methods, such as storytelling and examples from everyday life, to make his teachings accessible to all.

He was a strategic thinker:

Prophet Muhammad was a strategic thinker who was able to adapt to changing circumstances and respond to challenges effectively. He was also able to build alliances and negotiate with other tribes and communities in a way that helped him achieve his goals.

He was a servant-leader:

Prophet Muhammad led by example and was always willing to serve others. He did not ask his followers to do anything that he himself was not willing to do, and he encouraged them to take responsibility and contribute to the community.

Overall, Prophet Muhammad’s leadership style was characterized by compassion, justice, humility, and a commitment to serving others. He was a visionary leader who was able to inspire and motivate his followers to work toward a common goal, and his legacy continues to inspire people around the world today.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a Teacher

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not only a religious and political leader but also an exceptional teacher. He taught his followers the principles and practices of Islam, and his teachings are still followed by millions of people around the world. Here are some ways in which he was a great teacher:

He was patient:

Prophet Muhammad was patient with his students and took the time to explain things to them in a way that they could understand. He was also patient with their mistakes and encouraged them to learn from them.

He was a good listener:

Prophet Muhammad listened to his students and was always willing to answer their questions. He created a safe and respectful learning environment where his students felt comfortable asking questions and seeking clarification.

He used different teaching methods:

Prophet Muhammad used different teaching methods to engage his students and make his teachings more accessible. He used stories, analogies, and practical examples to illustrate his points, and he tailored his teaching style to the individual needs of his students.

He led by example:

Prophet Muhammad was an exemplary role model, and he taught his students through his own actions. He lived a simple and modest life, was honest and truthful in all his dealings, and treated everyone with respect and kindness.

He encouraged critical thinking:

Prophet Muhammad encouraged his students to think critically and to question the world around them. He believed that knowledge was a means to achieve a deeper understanding of the world and to develop a closer relationship with God.

Overall, Prophet Muhammad was a compassionate and dedicated teacher who inspired his students to learn, grow, and become better people. His teachings continue to inspire millions of people around the world today, and his legacy as a great teacher is a testament to his wisdom, knowledge, and dedication to education.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH wisest person, examples of wisdom

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is widely regarded as one of the wisest and most intelligent individuals in history. Here are some examples of his wisdom:

He was a skilled diplomat:

Prophet Muhammad was a skilled diplomat and was able to negotiate and build alliances with different tribes and communities. He was also able to resolve conflicts and disputes in a fair and just manner, using his wisdom and insight to bring people together.

He practiced self-control:

Prophet Muhammad was known for his self-control and his ability to control his emotions and desires. He taught his followers the importance of self-discipline and self-restraint, and he himself exemplified these qualities in his daily life.

He emphasized the importance of education:

Prophet Muhammad recognized the importance of education and knowledge, and he encouraged his followers to seek knowledge and learn throughout their lives. He believed that knowledge was the key to personal and social development, and he emphasized the importance of critical thinking and intellectual curiosity.

He was a skilled problem solver:

Prophet Muhammad was a skilled problem solver and was able to find creative solutions to complex problems. He used his wisdom and insight to find solutions that were fair and just, and he was able to resolve conflicts and disputes in a way that satisfied all parties involved.

He valued compassion and empathy:

Prophet Muhammad valued compassion and empathy and encouraged his followers to show kindness and mercy to others. He believed that treating others with compassion and empathy was essential for personal and social development, and he emphasized the importance of helping those in need.

Overall, Prophet Muhammad’s wisdom was reflected in his actions and teachings. He was a skilled diplomat, practiced self-control, emphasized the importance of education, was a skilled problem solver, and valued compassion and empathy. These qualities continue to inspire people around the world today, and his legacy as a wise and intelligent individual continues to be celebrated by people of different faiths and backgrounds.

MUHAMMAD SAW as a good companion

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not only a great leader and teacher but also a wonderful companion. He had a warm and friendly personality, and he was beloved by his companions. Here are some of the qualities that made him a good companion:

He was kind and compassionate:

Prophet Muhammad was known for his kindness and compassion towards all people, including his companions. He treated them with respect and love, and he always had a smile on his face.

He was a good listener: Prophet Muhammad was a good listener and always gave his companions his full attention. He was patient and understanding, and he was always willing to offer guidance and support.

He had a good sense of humor:

Prophet Muhammad had a good sense of humor and would often make his companions laugh with his jokes and stories. He had a light-hearted personality and was always ready to lighten the mood and bring joy to those around him.

He was generous:

Prophet Muhammad was known for his generosity and would often give away his possessions to those in need. He believed in sharing his wealth with others and encouraged his companions to do the same.

He was a loyal friend:

Prophet Muhammad was a loyal friend and would always stand by his companions through thick and thin. He was there to offer support and guidance whenever they needed it, and he was always there to lend a helping hand.

Overall, Prophet Muhammad’s qualities as a good companion made him beloved by his companions and continue to inspire people around the world today. His kindness, compassion, sense of humor, generosity, and loyalty are qualities that we can all strive to emulate in our own lives.

Wise War policies / strategies

It is important to note that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not only a military leader but also a religious and political leader. He only engaged in wars for defensive purposes, and his main priority was to spread the message of Islam and establish a just society.

That being said, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did use a number of effective military strategies and tactics during his campaigns. Here are some examples:

The strategy of Diplomacy:

Prophet Muhammad often tried to resolve conflicts through peaceful means and diplomacy. He negotiated treaties and alliances with different tribes and communities to avoid conflict and to build support for his cause.

Guerrilla Warfare:

When faced with a stronger enemy, Prophet Muhammad used guerrilla warfare tactics to disrupt the enemy’s supply lines and communication networks. This weakened the enemy’s morale and made it difficult for them to mount an effective offense.

Tactical Retreats:

In some battles, Prophet Muhammad ordered tactical retreats to avoid unnecessary losses and to regroup his forces. He used these retreats to reassess his strategy and to plan his next move.

Use of Terrain:

Prophet Muhammad used the natural terrain to his advantage during battles. He chose strategic locations that provided cover and protection for his troops, and he used the landscape to outmaneuver his opponents.

Effective Use of Cavalry:

Prophet Muhammad’s army was known for its skilled cavalry. He used his cavalry to launch surprise attacks and to quickly move his troops to different locations on the battlefield.

Overall, Prophet Muhammad’s military strategies were based on practical considerations and a deep understanding of the terrain, his opponents, and the capabilities of his own forces. He used a combination of diplomatic negotiations, guerrilla warfare, tactical retreats, effective use of terrain, and skilled cavalry to achieve his military objectives. His tactics and strategies continue to be studied and admired by military historians and strategists today.

Significant influence on the Arab natives

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a significant influence on the Arab natives of his time. Here are some ways in which he influenced the people of Arabia:

Spreading the Message of Islam

: Prophet Muhammad’s most significant impact on the Arab natives was the spread of the message of Islam. He preached monotheism and emphasized the importance of leading a righteous life. His message resonated with the people of Arabia, and many converted to Islam, which helped to unify the region.

Establishment of a Just Society:

Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of justice and fairness in society. He encouraged the establishment of a social order based on equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of their social status, race, or gender. His teachings helped to break down the tribalism and inequality that existed in Arab society at the time.

Advancement of Education:

Prophet Muhammad recognized the importance of education and encouraged his followers to seek knowledge. He established schools and encouraged the study of the Quran, the Arabic language, and other sciences. This helped to foster a culture of learning in Arabia, which eventually spread to other parts of the world.

Improvement of Women’s Status:

Prior to the arrival of Islam, women in Arabia had few rights and were treated as inferior to men. Prophet Muhammad’s teachings emphasized the importance of treating women with respect and kindness, and he actively worked to improve their status in society. He granted them rights to own property, inherit, and seek education, which helped to empower them.

Unification of Arabia:

Before the arrival of Islam, Arabia was divided into various tribes that were often at war with each other. Prophet Muhammad’s message of unity and peace helped to bring the tribes together and establish a sense of national identity.

Overall, Prophet Muhammad’s teachings had a profound impact on the Arab natives of his time. His message of unity, justice, and education helped to transform the social, political, and cultural landscape of Arabia and continues to influence people around the world today.

20 quotes from Muhammad SAW about humanity:

  1. “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.”
  2. “The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife.”
  3. “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
  4. “He who is not merciful to others, Allah will not be merciful to him.”
  5. “The strong man is not the one who can overpower others. The strong man is the one who controls himself when he is angry.”
  6. “The greatest jihad (struggle) is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.”
  7. “The most beloved of people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to others.”
  8. “Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.”
  9. “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to others.”
  10. “The most excellent worship is to make people happy.”
  11. “The best gift to a child is a good education.”
  12. “A true Muslim is the one who avoids harming others with his tongue and hands.”
  13. “The best charity is that given in secret, and the greatest reward is the one given by Allah.”
  14. “The true measure of a person’s wealth is not what they have, but what they give.”
  15. “The one who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of its doer.”
  16. “The best thing a man can leave behind after his death is a righteous child who will pray for him.”
  17. “Smiling at your brother is charity.”
  18. “The most beloved deeds to Allah are those that are consistent, even if they are small.”
  19. “Do not belittle any good deed, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.”
  20. “The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others.”


In conclusion, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a profound and transformative figure in history, and he remains a source of inspiration and guidance for millions of Muslims around the world. He was a model of morality, compassion, and leadership, and his teachings continue to shape the lives of Muslims.

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