What is Haj and Eid ul Azha?

Haj and Eid Ul -Adha is a very great, famous holy festivals in Islam. Muslims celebrate eid with great excitement. But the 10 days of the month of Zulhahajah are also very important for every Muslim. Many lucky Muslims perform Hajj during these days. and the rest of them do good deeds to get ajar from Allah staying at home these days. Fasting, Azkaar, and slaughter are the worship manners of Muslims.

But what for kids? To teach the importance of haj rituals and the holy month of Zulhajah, and to connect and remind them of the great sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim, Muslim parents also do many activities with their children. Knowledge of Eid and hajj is also a part of the Islamic education of Muslim children.

As Islamic education and Quran teachers, we also decide to teach pillars of hajj and stories of the Ibraheem and Ismael A.S to our kids, we conducted a contest for our students and the children of the parents, who follow us.


How did we announce the Hajj/Eid 2020 contest?

Many Thing has been changed☘️. Many new things are happening this year. We could not celebrate our religious ceremonies like we were into them. People are spending more time on devices.

And I know you are watching Many Eid and Hajj activities, books, and videos made for kids. But somehow this is a little hectic and indulging mothers in guilt that their kids are not doing as much as others are doing.

Don’t worry. Everyone is in this situation. No one is doing everything. But believe me, we could do something for our kids. From devices back to the table and from the table back to devices, this Group is providing you with an opportunity.

Here is a contest for kids. Please make sure your kids take an active part in this contest. Good thing is that, for Urdu kids, we will give three drawing hard books to the best creators. And there are pdf books that will be given to the English children. We will provide you with many tips and ideas for art and craft.

You just need to motivate your kids to use their creativity. Prizes will be given to kids who will get more likes on their creations. So add more people you know to this group or page and Get more likes.

Entries- Students’ art Craft Work

Our Poll results

A total of 5 Books were Distributed to 5 Students. One from 7 and up and 2 Books were given to To Our Hajj art winners under 6, and 2 books were given to the Haj craft creators under 6. Here are the poll results.

Our sponsor

Designmolvi (Author of the Book) talks about her book with us

( Muslim Mothers First source of education مسلمان مائیں )

‘I just want to give a brief introduction about our “It’s Sunnah, learn to color” book. “It’s Sunnah, Colour to learn” by “ Designmolvi.com ” is the first-ever coloring book about the Sunnah of our Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

The purpose of this coloring book is to teach the values of Islam and the practice of Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ at a tender age.

This is learning by fun – an innovative approach to capturing the attention of our children and giving the parents and school teachers the opportunity to teach in an engaging way.

It is a Premium Quality Printed Colouring Book with 18 fun-packed and informational coloring pages and 22 examples of the Sunnah highlighted for your children to learn.

All good is from Allah Almighty and this coloring book is a small attempt in continuing the original mission that we set out to achieve by Allah’s will May Allah (SWT) guide us all to understand our Deen better and act up and to earn Allah’s pleasure Aameen.

Author’s Message to all participants

From Asma Shahid at  Muslim Mothers First source of education مسلمان مائیں 

Congratulations to all participants. All of you worked hard. May Allah سبحانه و تعالى make all of you pure Muslims and a big sadqa e Jaria for your parents Ameen. Please send me the contact details of the winners so I can send them books. Jazkallahu Khair

Parents Reviews.

Book Review by a Happy child.


Buy This book? Click designmolvi.com

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