Quran tutors online introduction
Welcome to 121 Islam for Kids, your premier online teaching institute dedicated to providing comprehensive Quran education for children and adults alike. Rooted in the principles of accessibility, inclusivity, and excellence, we offer a diverse range of resources and courses tailored to meet the needs of learners at every stage of their journey to understanding Islam and the Quran.
At 121 Islam for Kids, we understand the importance of nurturing a strong foundation in Islamic education from a young age. Our platform boasts a wealth of free resources designed to engage and inspire young learners, making the learning process both enriching and enjoyable. From interactive lessons and educational games to engaging videos and informative articles, our free offerings are crafted to ignite curiosity and foster a deep love for learning about Islam and its teachings.
For those seeking a more structured and personalized learning experience, we also offer online paid classes led by qualified Quran tutors. Our dedicated instructors bring years of experience and expertise to the virtual classroom, guiding students through a comprehensive curriculum tailored to their individual needs and learning styles. Whether you’re a parent looking to enrich your child’s understanding of Islam or an adult eager to deepen your knowledge and connection with the Quran, our online paid classes provide a supportive and enriching environment for growth and learning.
With a commitment to excellence and accessibility, 121 Islam for Kids strives to empower learners of all ages to embark on a meaningful journey of discovery and enlightenment. Join us today and unlock the transformative power of Quran education from the comfort of your own home. Let us embark on this enlightening journey together, as we seek to deepen our understanding and connection with the divine teachings of Islam.
Table of Contents

Download Free Islamic books
- Islamic Studies Grade 01
- Islamic Studies Grade 02
- Islamic Studies Grade 03
- Islamic Studies Grade 04
- Islamic Studies Grade 05
- Islamic Studies Grade 06
- Islamic Studies Grade 07
- Islamic Studies Grade 08
- Islamic Studies Grade 09
- Islamic Studies Grade 10
- Islamic Studies Grade 11
- Islamic Studies Grade 12
- My First Quran with Pictures (Part 1)
- My first Quran stories book
- 101 Seerah Stories and Dua inside pages
- A TO Z of Islam (Kids)
- Al- Isra wal Miraj (Kids)
- Seerah Book 1 (Kids)
- The 5 pillars of Islam (kids)
- Baby’s First Quran Stories
- Stories for the Thinking Children
- Quran Kidz Juzz Amma part 1( 3 yrs)
- The builders of the Kabah (Stories) Good words kids
- 365 stories Part 1 bait ul Ilam trust
- Prophet Muhammad Mustfa (Text book) Erqum Publishers
- Study for Quran Word by word (Darussalam) Volum 1
- Study for Quran Word by word (Darussalam) Volum 2
- Study for Quran Word by word (Darussalam) Volum 3
- Last 14 Chapters of Quran (Teachers guide)
- Ahsan ul Qasas
Free Download Supplications:
- Hisan ul Muslim (English)
- Namaz with Eng Translation (Color Coded, Tajweed)
- Namaz with Urdu Translation (Color Coded, Tajweedi)
- Namaz with image instructions for Women with Translation (Tajweedi)
- Namaz with image instructions for Men with Translation (Tajweedi)
- Kalima’s with Eng & Urdu Translation (Color Coded, Tajweedi)
- Ayat-ul-Kursi with Eng & Urdu Translation (Color Coded, Tajweedi)
- Dua-e-Qunoot with Eng & Urdu Translation (Color Coded, Tajweedi)
- Namaz-e-Janaza with Eng & Urdu Translation (Color Coded, Tajweedi)
- Eman-e-Mufassal & Eman-e-Mujmal with Eng & Urdu Translation (Color Coded, Tajweedi)
- Masnoon Dua’en with Eng & Urdu Translation (Color Coded, Tajweedi)
Free Download Tajweed Books:
Free Download Arabic Grammar Books
Free Islamic Qaiday:
30 short hadiths in PDF English
30 short hadees in pdf in Urdu
Free content at our site
- English stories
- Urdu stories
- 20 short stories of good manners for kids
- Tafseer of short surah Teaching method
- short hadith teaching method and free story lessons
- Video Lessons
More reads
- Art/Crafts
- Book Reviews
- Courses
- Faith boost in December
- Free Printables
- Halal
- Islamic stories for kids in english
- Kids English tv
- Media
- Parenting
- Prayer for kids
- Quran
- Ramzan boost course
- Short hadiths with stories
- Stories
- Urdu children stories
- Urdu Haroo-e-Tahaji
- Urdu Parenting
Online Classes and Courses
Ongoing regular courses in online paid classes are updated in the course sign-up tab. visit sign up the tab here
- The Story of Prophet Isa A.S in Islam: A Messenger of Allah
- Faith Boosting Course for kids|No Cristmas| Prophet Isa (A.S.)
- Free Halloween Awareness Course for Muslim Children! Halloween in Islam
- Step-by-Step deep study of Surah Al-Humazah (Chapter 104)
- “Eid Among the Stars: A Cosmic Ramadan Tale” Free Children’s Story
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Free Book of 30 short Hadiths in English for kids From Quran tutors online
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