Surah Ad Duha in English is Taught in Our classes online.

Surah Ad Duha and Surah Ash-Sharh teach us valuable lessons about patience, trust in Allah, gratitude, and the promise of relief after difficulty. They show us that Allah is always with us, no matter what we face. Let’s start to learn this Surah.

Let’s Start to learn step by step: Surah Ad Duha in English and Urdu

surah ad duha in english

Table of Contents

1. Introduction of Surah Ad duha in English

Surah Ad-Duha is the 93rd chapter (surah) of the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam. It is composed of 11 verses and is located in the 30th Juz’ (section) of the Quran. The title “Ad-Duha” translates to “The Morning Hours” or “The Forenoon” in English, referring to the time of day when the sun is rising and the day is becoming brighter.

This surah is a Meccan surah, meaning it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the early years of his prophethood in the city of Mecca. Surah Ad-Duha is often recognized for its message of hope, encouragement, and assurance to the Prophet Muhammad, who was experiencing a period of revelation pause and personal difficulty at that time.

The central theme of this surah revolves around reassurance, gratitude, and the concept that after moments of difficulty and adversity, there is a promise of ease and prosperity from Allah (God). It encourages believers to be patient, and thankful, and to continue doing good deeds, emphasizing that the rewards from Allah are abundant and everlasting.

Surah Ad-Duha serves as a source of comfort and motivation for Muslims, reminding them of Allah’s blessings and the importance of perseverance during challenging times. It teaches that difficulties are temporary and that Allah’s mercy and support are always present for those who have faith and patience.

The surah is relatively short but carries a powerful message of faith, trust, and optimism, making it a source of inspiration for Muslims seeking solace and encouragement in their daily lives.

2. Introduction to Surah Ad Duha with Sharah (Paired Surah) for Kids:

  1. Surah Ad-Duha: Surah Ad-Duha is the 93rd chapter of the Quran, and it’s also known as “The Morning Hours” or “The Forenoon.”
  2. Short and Sweet: It’s a relatively short surah with only 11 verses, making it easy for kids to memorize and recite.
  3. Encouragement and Comfort: This surah offers a message of encouragement and comfort to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during a difficult time in his life.
  4. Pairing with Surah Sharah: Surah Ad-Duha is often paired with Surah Ash-Sharh (Chapter 94), which continues the message of comfort and reassurance.
  5. Together They Teach: When read together, these surahs teach us about patience during tough times and the promise of better days ahead.
  6. Morning and Evening: Surah Ad-Duha talks about the morning hours when the day is starting, while Surah Ash-Sharh focuses on the evening when the day is ending.
  7. Positive Message: Kids can learn from these surahs that after every hardship, there is ease, and Allah’s blessings are always with us.
  8. Easy to Understand: The language is simple and easy for kids to understand, making it a great choice for learning and reflection.
  9. Important Values: These surahs emphasize gratitude, patience, and the importance of turning to Allah during both good and challenging times.
  10. Memorization: Many kids around the world memorize Surah Ad-Duha and Surah Ash-Sharh as part of their Quranic studies.
  11. Source of Hope: These surahs offer hope and remind kids that Allah is always there for them, no matter what they’re going through.
  12. Great for Reflection: Parents and teachers can encourage kids to reflect on the meanings of these surahs and how they can apply the lessons in their lives.

Surah Ad-Duha, along with its paired surah, Surah Ash-Sharh, provides valuable life lessons and spiritual guidance for kids, helping them develop a strong and positive outlook on life.

3. Tajweed and Memorisation Surah ad duha in English and Urdu:

We Teach to read and Recite the Quran in our Quran classes online. But for the students, we also prepare Tajweed video lessons. Children would watch videos of word-by-word and verse-by-verse tajweed and recitation and memorize the Surah by heart. Then there would be a Quran recitation activity in our online classes. You can Get the Tajweed videos from the playlist of SUrah Ad duha link downside.

4. Word to Word Meanings

Verse 1

(Arabic): وَٱلضُّحَىٰ

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَٱلضُّحَىٰ (Wa Ad-Duhaa): And the morning brightness

Translation: “And by the morning brightness,”

Verse 2

(Arabic): وَٱلَّيْلِ إِذَا سَجَىٰ

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَٱلَّيْلِ (Wal-Layli): And [by] the night
  • إِذَا (Itha): When
  • سَجَىٰ (Sajaa): It covers with darkness

Translation: “And by the night when it covers with darkness,”

These verses serve as an oath by the morning brightness and the night’s darkness, emphasizing the blessings and beauty of both day and night.

Verse 3

(Arabic): مَا وَدَّعَكَ رَبُّكَ وَمَا قَلَىٰ

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • مَا (Ma): Not
  • وَدَّعَكَ (Wadda’aka): Abandoned you
  • رَبُّكَ (Rabbuka): Your Lord
  • وَمَا (Wa Ma): And not
  • قَلَىٰ (Qalaa): Hated

Translation: “Your Lord has not abandoned you, nor does He hate [you].”

This verse is a message of reassurance to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Allah, emphasizing that Allah has not left him and is not displeased with him. It reminds the Prophet of Allah’s continuous support and love.

Verse 4

(Arabic): وَلَلْآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌۭ لَّكَ مِنَ ٱلْأُولَىٰ

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَلَلْآخِرَةُ (Wa Lil-Ākhiratu): And the Hereafter
  • خَيْرٌ (Khayrun): Is better
  • لَّكَ (Laka): For you
  • مِنَ (Mina): Than
  • الْأُولَىٰ (Al-Ūlā): The first [life]

Translation: “But the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].”

In this verse, Allah is emphasizing to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that the life to come in the Hereafter is far better and more rewarding than the worldly life. It reassures the Prophet and all believers that the difficulties faced in this world are temporary, and the ultimate success lies in the Hereafter.

Verse 5

(Arabic): وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَىٰٓ

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَلَسَوْفَ (Wa Lasawfa): And soon
  • يُعْطِيكَ (Yu’teeka): Will give you
  • رَبُّكَ (Rabbuka): Your Lord
  • فَتَرْضَىٰ (Fatarḍā): [so] you will be pleased

Translation: “And your Lord will give you [so] you will be pleased.”

In this verse, Allah is reassuring the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that He will provide him with blessings and favors in the future, to the extent that the Prophet will be pleased and content with what he receives. It is a message of hope and comfort, emphasizing Allah’s continuous support and care for His messenger.

Verse 6

(Arabic): أَلَمْ يَجِدْكَ يَتِيمًۭا فَـَٔاوَىٰ أَلَمْ يَجِدْكَ (Alam Yajidka) يَتِيمًۭا (Yateeman) فَـَٔاوَىٰ (Fa’aawaa)

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • أَلَمْ (Alam): Did not
  • يَجِدْكَ (Yajidka): He find you
  • يَتِيمًۭا (Yateeman): [an] orphan
  • فَـَٔاوَىٰ (Fa’aawaa): So He sheltered

Translation: “Did He not find you [an] orphan, so He sheltered [you]?”

In this verse, Allah reminds the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of his childhood when he was an orphan, emphasizing that Allah found him in that state and provided him with shelter and care. It is a reminder of Allah’s continuous care and protection throughout the Prophet’s life.

Verse 7

(Arabic):وَوَجَدَكَ ضَآلًّۭا فَهَدَىٰ

وَوَجَدَكَ (Wa Wajadaka) ضَآلًّۭا (Dhaallan) فَهَدَىٰ (Fahadaa)

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَوَجَدَكَ (Wa Wajadaka): And He found you
  • ضَآلًّۭا (Dhaallan): Astray
  • فَهَدَىٰ (Fahadaa): So He guided

Translation: “And He found you astray, so He guided [you].”

In this verse, Allah reminds the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of a time when he was searching for guidance and truth, and Allah guided him. It emphasizes Allah’s guidance and care for His messenger, guiding him from a state of confusion to the path of truth and righteousness.

Verse 8

(Arabic):وَوَجَدَكَ عَآئِلًۭا فَأَغْنَىٰ

وَوَجَدَكَ (Wa Wajadaka) عَآئِلًۭا (‘Aa’ilan) فَأَغْنَىٰ (Fa’Aghnaa)

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَوَجَدَكَ (Wa Wajadaka): And He found you
  • عَآئِلًۭا (‘Aa’ilan): In need
  • فَأَغْنَىٰ (Fa’Aghnaa): So He enriched

Translation: “And He found you in need, so He enriched [you].”

In this verse, Allah reminds the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of a time when he was in need, and Allah provided for him, enriching him. It emphasizes Allah’s provision and support for His messenger, showing that Allah cares for His servant’s well-being and sustenance.

Verse 9

(Arabic):فَأَمَّا ٱلْيَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرْ

فَأَمَّا (Fa’amma) ٱلْيَتِيمَ (Al-Yateema) فَلَا (Fala) تَقْهَرْ (Taqhhar)

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • فَأَمَّا (Fa’amma): So as for
  • ٱلْيَتِيمَ (Al-Yateema): The orphan
  • فَلَا (Fala): Then do not
  • تَقْهَرْ (Taqhhar): Reproach [him]

Translation: “So as for the orphan, then do not reproach [him].”

In this verse, Allah instructs believers not to mistreat or oppress orphans and specifically advises against reproaching them or treating them unkindly. It emphasizes the importance of showing kindness and compassion to orphans and protecting their rights and dignity.

Verse 10

(Arabic): وَأَمَّا ٱلسَّآئِلَ فَلَا تَنْهَرْ

وَأَمَّا ٱلسَّآئِلَ (Wa Ammas-Saa’il) فَلَا تَنْهَرْ (Fala Tanhar)

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَأَمَّا (Wa Ammaa): But as for
  • ٱلسَّآئِلَ (As-Saa’il): The petitioner (the one who asks)
  • فَلَا (Fala): Then do not
  • تَنْهَرْ (Tanhar): Repel [him]

Translation: “But as for the petitioner (the one who asks), then do not repel [him].”

In this verse, Allah advises believers not to turn away or repel those who ask for help or assistance, emphasizing the importance of being kind and responsive to the needs of those who seek assistance or support. It encourages believers to be compassionate and helpful to those who ask for help, rather than refusing or repelling them.

Verse 11

(Arabic): وَأَمَّا بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ فَحَدِّثْ

وَأَمَّا (Wa Ammaa) بِنِعْمَةِ (Bi-Ni’mati) رَبِّكَ (Rabbika) فَحَدِّثْ (Fahaddith)

Word-to-Word Meaning:

  • وَأَمَّا (Wa Ammaa): But as for
  • بِنِعْمَةِ (Bi-Ni’mati): The favor of
  • رَبِّكَ (Rabbika): Your Lord
  • فَحَدِّثْ (Fahaddith): Then speak about

Translation: “But as for the favor of your Lord, then speak about it.”

In this verse, Allah instructs the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to proclaim and speak about the favors and blessings of his Lord. It encourages believers to express gratitude for the blessings they receive from Allah and share these blessings with others, ultimately acknowledging and sharing the good things that come from Allah.

5. Verse by Verse Tafsir od Surah Ad Duha ( Tafsir Ibne Kathir)

Verse 1:

“By the morning hours”

In this verse, Allah swears by the morning hours, which are the early hours of the day. This is a form of oath used by Allah in the Quran to emphasize the importance of what is being said. The morning hours are mentioned here because they symbolize the beginning of a new day, a time of renewal and hope. It signifies the blessings and opportunities that each new day brings.

Verse 2:

“And [by] the night when it covers with darkness”

In this verse, Allah swears by the night when it covers the world in darkness. The night is mentioned in contrast to the morning hours, signifying the passage of time from darkness to light. It represents the cycle of day and night, which is a sign of Allah’s creation and His control over the universe. The mention of night here serves to highlight the contrast between the darkness of the night and the brightness of the morning, emphasizing the concept of renewal and hope after a period of darkness.

These verses, according to Ibn Kathir, set the stage for the message of Surah Ad-Duha, which revolves around the theme of hope, renewal, and Allah’s blessings. The contrast between the morning hours and the night serves as a powerful visual and symbolic representation of the message that follows in the surah.

Verse 3:

“Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you].”

In this verse, Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) directly, reassuring him that Allah has not abandoned or left him, nor is Allah displeased with him.

Ibn Kathir explains this verse by emphasizing the profound comfort it provided to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during a period when there was a pause in the revelation. This pause caused the Prophet to feel anxious and concerned about his relationship with Allah and his role as a messenger. People around him, especially his adversaries, took this opportunity to spread doubt and rumors about him.

Allah, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, revealed this verse to alleviate the Prophet’s concerns and provide him with reassurance. The verse serves as a reminder that Allah’s support for the Prophet is unwavering, and any pause in revelation is part of Allah’s divine plan. It was a test of the Prophet’s faith and patience.

Ibn Kathir also emphasizes that this verse holds a broader message for all believers. It teaches us that sometimes we may face difficulties or periods of apparent silence from Allah, but it doesn’t mean that Allah has abandoned us or is displeased with us. Rather, it is an opportunity for us to strengthen our faith, trust in Allah’s plan, and maintain our dedication to doing good deeds.

In summary, Surah Ad-Duha, verse 3, provides reassurance to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during a period of pause in revelation, emphasizing Allah’s continuous support and love. It serves as a reminder to all believers that Allah’s guidance and blessings are always present, even during challenging times.

Verse 4:

“And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].”

In this verse, Allah is addressing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and reassuring him that the life to come, the Hereafter, is far better than the life of this world. It is a promise from Allah that the difficulties and trials faced in this world will be replaced by eternal blessings and rewards in the Hereafter.

Ibn Kathir explains that this verse serves as a source of great comfort and encouragement for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who was experiencing hardships and challenges during the early days of his mission. It reminded him that his ultimate reward and success would be in the Hereafter, and the difficulties of this world were temporary.

Furthermore, Ibn Kathir highlights that this verse holds a universal message for all believers. It encourages them to maintain hope and optimism, especially in the face of adversity. It reminds us that the trials and tribulations of this world are fleeting, and the true success lies in the life to come. This message encourages believers to endure difficulties with patience and to strive for the reward that awaits them in the Hereafter.

In summary, Surah Ad-Duha, verse 5, conveys the message that the Hereafter is far better than the worldly life, providing hope, encouragement, and a reminder of the ultimate reward for those who remain steadfast in their faith and perseverance through life’s challenges.

Verse 5:

“And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.”

In this verse, Allah is addressing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and assuring him that He will provide him with blessings and gifts. Allah emphasizes that these blessings will be so abundant and satisfying that the Prophet will be content and pleased with them.

Tafsir in Easy Language: Imagine a close friend telling you, “Don’t worry, very soon, you will receive many wonderful gifts from someone, and you will be extremely happy with them.” This is similar to what Allah is telling the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah promises that He will give him many blessings and gifts, and the Prophet will be very pleased with what he receives.

This verse is a message of hope and comfort not only for the Prophet Muhammad but for all believers. It reminds us that Allah is the Giver of all blessings, and He knows what will make us content and satisfied. It encourages us to trust in Allah’s plan and His generosity.

Verse 6:

“Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?”

In this verse, Allah is reminding the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of His care and protection throughout his life, especially during his childhood when he was an orphan.

Tafsir in Easy Language: Imagine a time when someone was all alone, with no parents to take care of them. Allah is saying to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “Remember when you were a little child and had no parents to look after you? I was there for you, and I took care of you. I provided you with a safe and loving home.”

This verse teaches us that Allah is always watching over us, especially during times of difficulty and need. Just as Allah protected and cared for the Prophet when he was an orphan, Allah continues to provide for us and guide us through life’s challenges. It’s a message of comfort and reassurance for all believers, reminding us of Allah’s constant care and love.

Verse 7:

“And He found you lost and guided [you].”

In this verse, Allah is reminding the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of a time when he was searching for guidance and truth, and Allah guided him.

Tafsir in Easy Language: Think of a time when you were confused and didn’t know what to do or where to go. Allah is telling the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “Remember when you were looking for the right way, and you felt lost? I guided you to the truth and showed you the right path.”

This verse is a reminder that Allah is the Guide, and He helps us find our way, especially when we’re unsure or lost. Just as Allah guided the Prophet Muhammad, He guides us through life’s challenges and helps us make the right choices. It’s a message of hope and trust in Allah’s guidance for all believers.

Verse 8:

“And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.”

In this verse, Allah reminds the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of a time when he was in need and Allah provided for him, making him self-sufficient.

Tafsir in Easy Language: Imagine a time when someone didn’t have much and struggled to meet their needs. Allah is telling the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “Remember when you were in a situation where you didn’t have much, and you needed help? I made you self-sufficient. I gave you what you needed so you wouldn’t have to depend on others.”

This verse highlights Allah’s power and generosity. It teaches us that Allah is the Provider, and He can change our circumstances, making us self-sufficient when we are in need. It’s a message of gratitude and a reminder that Allah takes care of His servants, ensuring they have what they need.

Verse 9:

“But as for the orphan, do not oppress [him].”

In this verse, Allah instructs believers not to mistreat or oppress orphans.

Tafsir in Easy Language: Imagine there’s a child who has lost their parents, and they’re all alone. Allah is telling us, “When you come across such a child, don’t be unkind to them or treat them unfairly. Instead, be caring and supportive.”

This verse teaches us about the importance of kindness and justice, especially towards vulnerable individuals like orphans. It reminds us to be compassionate and protective of those who have lost their parents and may be in need of help and support. Allah encourages us to be their advocates and not to take advantage of their vulnerability.

Verse 10:

“And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him].”

In this verse, Allah advises believers not to turn away or repel those who ask for help or assistance.

Tafsir in Easy Language: Imagine someone coming to you with a request for help or support. Allah is telling us, “When someone asks you for help, don’t push them away or say no unkindly. Instead, be open-hearted and willing to assist.”

This verse emphasizes the importance of compassion and generosity. It teaches us to be kind and responsive to the needs of those who seek our help. Instead of refusing or repelling them, we should consider how we can support them, whether it’s through our time, resources, or assistance. It’s a reminder to be considerate and helpful to those who reach out to us for help.

Verse 11:

“And as for the favor of your Lord, report [it].”

In this verse, Allah instructs the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to proclaim and speak about the favors and blessings of his Lord.

Tafsir in Easy Language: Imagine someone has done something very kind for you. Allah is telling the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), “When I bless you with something wonderful or show you kindness, tell others about it. Share the good news and the favors I have granted you.”

This verse encourages us to express gratitude and share the blessings and goodness we receive from Allah with others. It teaches us that when Allah bestows His favors upon us, we should not keep them to ourselves but rather talk about them, showing appreciation and spreading positivity. It’s a reminder to acknowledge and share the good things that come our way, ultimately leading to a sense of gratitude and generosity.

6. Here’s a shorter summary of the verse-by-verse explanation of Surah Ad-Duha in English:

Verses 1-3: Allah swears by the morning light, reminding us of His blessings and the beauty of each day.

Verses 4-5: Allah reassures Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that even in tough times, He is always with us, promoting patience and trust.

Verses 6-8: Allah promises that the Hereafter is better, reminding us that life’s difficulties are temporary, encouraging hope and positivity.

Verses 9-11: Allah urges us to be grateful for His blessings and to show kindness to others.

Messages from Surah Ad-Duha:

  1. Appreciate Allah’s Blessings: The surah begins by drawing attention to the morning brightness, signifying the blessings of each day. It teaches us to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and recognize Allah’s countless gifts.
  2. Trust in Allah: When the revelation paused for a period, Surah Ad-Duha reassured the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that Allah had not abandoned him. It emphasizes that even during challenging times, Allah is with us, and we should trust in His plan.
  3. Hope and Positivity: The surah promises that the Hereafter is better and more rewarding. It reminds us that life’s difficulties are temporary trials, encouraging hope, positivity, and perseverance in the face of adversity.
  4. Gratitude: Surah Ad-Duha highlights the importance of gratitude. We should be thankful for everything we have, both outwardly and inwardly. Gratitude leads to contentment and a more fulfilling life.
  5. Kindness and Helping Others: The surah encourages acts of kindness and helping those in need. It emphasizes that those who have been blessed by Allah should share their blessings with others.

7. Reflection Based on Surah Ad-Duha:

  1. Express Gratitude: Start your day by expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life. Recognize and appreciate the small and big gifts Allah has bestowed upon you.
  2. Trust in Allah: In times of difficulty or uncertainty, remember the message of Surah Ad-Duha. Trust that Allah is with you, guiding you through challenges.
  3. Maintain Hope: Cultivate a positive outlook on life. When faced with hardships, remember that they are temporary, and better days will come. Have hope in Allah’s promise of a better Hereafter.
  4. Help Others: Actively seek opportunities to help those less fortunate. Engage in acts of kindness and charity to share your blessings with others.
  5. Reflect and Recite: Regularly recite Surah Ad-Duha and reflect on its messages. Use it as a source of spiritual strength and a reminder to be thankful, patient, and hopeful.

By incorporating these messages and actions from Surah Ad-Duha into your life, you can cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude, patience, and trust in Allah while spreading kindness and positivity to those around you.

8. Teaching method Surah Ad-Duha:

  1. Introduction: Start by introducing the surah to your students, mentioning its name (Surah Ad-Duha) and its number in the Quran (Chapter 93). Explain that this surah is a beautiful message from Allah about hope, reassurance, and gratitude.
  2. Recitation: Begin with the recitation of Surah Ad-Duha. Recite it slowly and clearly, and encourage students to repeat after you to practice their pronunciation. (Videos are added to the Playlist)
  3. Translation: Provide a simple and age-appropriate translation of the surah’s verses, emphasizing key themes like hope, gratitude, and trust in Allah. Discuss the meanings in a way that the students can relate to. (Videos are added to the Playlist)
  4. Discussion: Engage the students in a discussion about the surah’s message. Ask open-ended questions like:
    • What do you think this surah is trying to tell us?
    • How can we apply the surah’s teachings in our lives?
    • Why is it important to be hopeful and thankful?
  5. Storytelling: Share a relevant story or example from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that relates to the themes of Surah Ad-Duha. For instance, tell the story of the surah’s revelation and how it comforted the Prophet during tough times. (Videos are added to the Playlist, and Written stories are linked down)
  6. Infographics: Create simple infographics or visual aids that highlight the key messages of the surah. Use images and brief explanations to make it visually engaging. (Visit Gallery down)
  7. Mind Maps: Have students create mind maps of Surah Ad-Duha. In the center, write the surah’s name, and then branch out with keywords or phrases related to its themes. This helps students visualize and organize their understanding. (Videos are added to the Playlist)
  8. Exercises: Provide exercises or activities based on the surah. For example:
    • Write a short paragraph about something you’re grateful for.
    • Draw a picture that represents hope.
    • Role-play a scenario where you help someone in need.
  9. Memorization: Encourage students to memorize parts of the surah, starting with a few verses and gradually progressing. Make it a rewarding and collaborative effort.
  10. Application: Discuss practical ways students can apply the surah’s teachings in their daily lives. Encourage them to set goals for being hopeful, grateful, and kind to others.
  11. Review: Periodically review the surah and its message to reinforce learning. Use quizzes, games, or storytelling sessions for this purpose.
  12. Homework: Assign homework tasks related to the surah, such as creating a gratitude journal or making a poster about hope and kindness. (Photos in Gallery)

By incorporating these interactive activities and exercises, you can make the teaching of Surah Ad-Duha more engaging and effective, allowing students to connect with its valuable teachings on a deeper level.

10. Activities

  • Create a short story that embodies the themes of hope and kindness found in Surah Ad-Duha.
  • Recitation Challenge:
  • writing prompt such as “Write a letter to a friend or family member expressing gratitude.
  • Create posters that promote hope, kindness, and gratitude.

11. Exercises Ad Duha in English.

Exercise: Fill in the Blanks

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from Surah Ad-Duha to complete the sentences.

  1. Surah Ad-Duha is the ______________ chapter of the Quran.
  2. This surah is about themes of ______________, ______________, and ______________.
  3. Allah swears by the ______________ to emphasize the importance of what is being said in the surah.
  4. The morning brightness represents the blessings and opportunities that each new day ______________.
  5. Verse 3 of Surah Ad-Duha reassures the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that Allah has not ______________ him.
  6. The surah teaches us to trust in Allah’s ______________ and to have ______________ in His plan.
  7. Verse 5 reminds us that the ______________ is better for us than the ______________ life.
  8. It encourages us to be ______________, ______________, and ______________ in the face of adversity.
  9. The exercise of keeping a journal and writing down things we are grateful for is a practice of ______________.
  10. Surah Ad-Duha encourages us to be kind and help those who are ______________ or in ______________.


  1. 93rd
  2. hope, reassurance, gratitude
  3. morning hours
  4. brings
  5. abandoned
  6. support, faith
  7. Hereafter, worldly
  8. hopeful, positive, persevering
  9. gratitude
  10. needy, need

Reply with yes or No

  1. Is Surah Ad-Duha the 93rd chapter of the Quran?
    • (Yes/No)
  2. Does Surah Ad-Duha contain themes of hope, reassurance, and gratitude?
    • (Yes/No)
  3. Does Allah swear by the morning brightness in this surah?
    • (Yes/No)
  4. Does the morning brightness symbolize the blessings and opportunities of each new day?
    • (Yes/No)
  5. Does verse 3 of Surah Ad-Duha reassure the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that Allah has abandoned him?
    • (Yes/No)
  6. Does the surah encourage trust in Allah’s support and faith in His plan?
    • (Yes/No)
  7. Does verse 5 of Surah Ad-Duha remind us that the Hereafter is better than the worldly life?
    • (Yes/No)
  8. Does the surah encourage us to be hopeful, positive, and persevering in challenging times?
    • (Yes/No)
  9. Is keeping a gratitude journal a practice mentioned in the exercise related to Surah Ad-Duha?
    • (Yes/No)
  10. Does Surah Ad-Duha encourage us to be kind and help those who are needy or in need?
    • (Yes/No)

Think and Answers

  1. What does the word “Duha” mean in Surah Ad-Duha? (Hint: It’s about the morning.)
  2. Why is the morning brightness mentioned in the surah? What does it symbolize?
  3. Can you name one thing you are grateful for today, just like the surah encourages us to be grateful?
  4. What message do you think Surah Ad-Duha has for us when we’re feeling sad or worried?
  5. Who was the surah revealed to? (Hint: He is a beloved prophet.)
  6. How can we show kindness to someone who is in need, just like the surah advises?
  7. What is the Hereafter, and why does the surah say it’s better than the worldly life?
  8. Can you think of a time when you helped someone, and it made you feel good, just like the surah encourages?
  9. What does it mean to trust in Allah’s plan, even when things seem difficult?
  10. Have you ever created a journal to write down things you’re thankful for? How did it make you feel?

FAQ’s of Surah Ad Duha in English

1. What is the meaning of “Ad-Duha”?

  • “Ad-Duha” refers to the morning brightness or the early part of the day when the sun rises.

2. How many verses are there in Surah Ad-Duha?

  • Surah Ad-Duha has a total of 11 verses.

3. What are the main themes of Surah Ad-Duha?

  • The main themes of Surah Ad-Duha are hope, reassurance, gratitude, trust in Allah, and kindness to others.

4. Why does Allah swear by the morning brightness in this surah?

  • Allah uses this oath to emphasize the importance of the message and to draw attention to the blessings and opportunities of each new day.

5. Who was the surah revealed to?

  • Surah Ad-Duha was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

6. What is the significance of the message in this surah for believers?

  • The surah provides hope and encouragement during difficult times, reminding believers to be patient, grateful, and kind.

7. How can we apply the teachings of Surah Ad-Duha in our daily lives?

  • We can apply the teachings by being hopeful, expressing gratitude, trusting in Allah’s plan, and showing kindness to those in need.

8. What does the surah say about the Hereafter?

  • The surah emphasizes that the Hereafter is better than the worldly life, encouraging believers to have hope in the eternal rewards to come.

9. Is there a specific exercise or practice mentioned in relation to Surah Ad-Duha?

  • Yes, one practice mentioned is keeping a gratitude journal to record things we are thankful for.

10. How can children benefit from learning about Surah Ad-Duha? – Children can benefit by developing a positive outlook, practicing gratitude, and learning the importance of kindness and trust in Allah.

These FAQs provide answers to common questions that individuals may have about Surah Ad-Duha and its teachings.


Story for the reflection of Surah Ad Duha (Written)

The Story Of Revelation of This Surah

Story for the reflection of Surah Ad Duha (Video)

Video Playlist English

Video Playlist Urdu

Books (Shop)

My First Quran Picture Book

My First Quran Stories Book

Islamic education By Molvi Abdula Aziz Grade 6

Free Books (pdf)

Our Online Courses

Quran classes:

We have online quran tajweed, recitation, and Quran Hifz classes for children. One-on-one classes with Qualified teachers.

Quran Tafseer classes:

Short and Easy-to-understand Quran translation and tafseer will be taught to the young learners. Infographics, mindmaps, work-by-word tajweed and meanings, stories, and duas are included in these classes.

Hadith with Stories course consists of 30 short hadith 

It’s a personality development course for children with interesting stories. 30 short hadiths would be taught with stories. We have worksheets to solve after learning hadiths for implications.

Prayer for kids course :

A short course to teach about taharat, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars, conditions of prayer, and method of prayer.

Kindness to Parents:

A 1-week course to teach the rights of parents with practical work. Dua and how to be kind to parents is included in this course.

6 articles on the Muslim faith:

Faiths/Muslim beliefs would be taught one by one with the help of mind maps and stories in the Quran.

Islamic dress code:

Islamic rules of dressing, Aurah/covering body rules, and modesty dressing will be included in this one-week course.

Ramzan Boost course:

1 month before Ramzan we started this course. Everything about fasting rules and supplication with the Ramzan checklist and daily to-do list is included in this course.

Faith boosts course in December to say NO MARYY CHRISTMAS:

Stories of faith by the Quran will be added in this course with basic articles of faith in this course.

Enrolments Available

All courses Are available to start as one on 1 classes. Please have a look at our group courses continued here.

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