Teaching Surah Layl is not just about memorization but understanding and living by its message. Here is a step-by-step study and the Complete Teaching method of Layl Surah. This method of teaching has been created for teachers/homeschooling parents and beginners to deeply study the surah.

This teaching method and resources have been designed for our online Classes for Children and beginners. Details of our online classes are at our site.

Layl Surah


itle: Surah Al-Lail – The Night

In the vast treasure of the Quran, there is a special chapter called Surah Al-Lail, meaning “The Night.” Just like the night holds secrets, this Surah holds valuable lessons that light up our lives.

Surah Al-Lail is like a beautiful bedtime story told by Allah to teach us about the goodness hidden in the darkness of the night. It’s a short chapter but filled with powerful messages that sparkle like stars in the sky.

In this Surah, Allah talks about the balance in our lives, just like how day and night take turns. It tells us that our actions, whether big or small, have consequences, and Allah sees everything, even in the quiet of the night.

Surah Al-Lail also reminds us that the best among us are those who are kind, give to others, and fear Allah, not because someone is watching, but because it comes from the goodness in their hearts.

So, as you listen to the story of Surah Al-Lail, imagine the night sky filled with stars, each twinkling with a lesson for us to learn. It’s a beautiful gift from Allah, just like the night itself.

Let’s dive into the enchanting world of Surah Al-Lail and discover the wisdom it holds for all of us, young and old alike.

Tajweed And Memorization

We Provide Word-by-word Tajweed and verse-by-verse Recitation videos to our children. Children will correct their tajweed and start to memorize Surah Al-Layl. Mmeorisation will be done on a daily basis. Our Tajweed videos are available on our YouTube channel. The link is Downside.

Tajweed Tips

  • Start with the correct pronunciation and Tajweed rules.
  • Listen to a skilled reciter to understand the correct melody and pronunciation.
  • Encourage children to practice reciting the Surah.

Memorization Tips

  • For those interested in memorizing the Surah, break it down into small segments.
  • Practice with them regularly, focusing on accuracy and pronunciation.
  • Offer rewards and incentives to motivate progress.

Verse by Verse word meanings of surah layl in English

(Videos in Playlist)

Verse 1:

وَٱلَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَىٰ ١

By the night when it covers,

  • وَاللَّيْلِ” (wa al-lail): “By the night”
  • “إِذَا” (idha): “when” or “as”
  • “يَغْشَىٰ” (yaghsha): “it envelops” or “it covers”

Verse 2

“وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا تَجَلَّىٰ”

“And [by] the day when it appears,”

  • “وَالنَّهَارِ” (wa an-nahar): “And [by] the day”
  • “إِذَا” (idha): “when” or “as”
  • “تَجَلَّىٰ” (tajallā): “it appears” or “it becomes bright”

Verse 3

“وَالَّذِي خَلَقَ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنثَىٰ”

“And He who created the male and female,”

  • “وَالَّذِي” (wa allathee): “And He who”
  • “خَلَقَ” (khalaqa): “created”
  • “الذَّكَرَ” (adh-dhakara): “the male”
  • “وَالْأُنثَىٰ” (wal-unthaa): “and the female”

Verse 4

إِنَّ سَعْيَكُمْ لَشَتَّىٰ ٤

Surely the ends you strive for are diverse.

  • “إِنَّ” (inna): “Indeed”
  • “سَعْيَكُمْ” (sa’iyakum): “your effort” or “your striving”
  • “لَشَتَّىٰ” (lashattaa): “varied” or “different”

Verse 5

“فَأَمَّا مَنْ أَعْطَىٰ وَٱتَّقَىٰ”

As for the one who is charitable, mindful ˹of Allah˺,

  • “فَأَمَّا” (fa-amma): “So as for”
  • “مَنْ” (man): “who”
  • “أَعْطَىٰ” (a’taa): “gives” or “gives (in charity)”
  • “وَٱتَّقَىٰ” (wattaqaa): “and fears (Allah)” or “and has piety”

Verse 6

“وَصَدَّقَ بِٱلْحُسْنَىٰ”

and ˹firmly˺ believes in the finest reward,

  • “وَصَدَّقَ” (wa sadaq): “and confirmed” or “and affirmed”
  • “بِٱلْحُسْنَىٰ” (bil-husna): “the best” or “the good”

Verse 7

فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُۥ لِلْيُسْرَىٰ

We will facilitate for them the Way of Ease.

  • “فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُۥ” (fa-sanu yassiruhu): “So We shall make it easy for him”
  • “لِلْيُسْرَىٰ” (li-l-yusrā): “toward ease” or “to ease”

Verse 8

“وَأَمَّا مَن بَخِلَ وَٱسْتَغْنَىٰ”

And as for the one who is stingy, indifferent ˹to Allah˺,

  • “وَأَمَّا” (wa-amma): “But as for”
  • “مَن بَخِلَ” (man bakhl): “who is miserly” or “withholds”
  • “وَٱسْتَغْنَىٰ” (wa-istaghna): “and considers himself free from need”

Verse 9

وَكَذَّبَ بِٱلْحُسْنَىٰ

and ˹staunchly˺ denies the finest reward,

  • “وَكَذَّبَ” (wa-kaththaba): “And denied” or “rejected”
  • “بِٱلْحُسْنَىٰ” (bil-husna): “the best” or “the good”

Verse 10

فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُۥ لِلْعُسْرَىٰ

We will facilitate for them the path of hardship.

  • “فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُۥ” (fa-sanu yassiruhu): “So We shall make it easy for him”
  • “لِلْعُسْرَىٰ” (li-l-‘usrā): “toward hardship” or “to hardship”

Verse 11

وَمَا يُغْنِى عَنْهُ مَالُهُۥٓ إِذَا تَرَدَّىٰٓ

And their wealth will be of no benefit to them when they tumble ˹into Hell˺.

  • “وَمَا” (wa-maa): “And not”
  • “يُغْنِى” (yughni): “will his wealth avail” or “will his wealth benefit”
  • “عَنْهُ” (anhu): “him from it”
  • “مَالُهُ” (maaluhu): “his wealth”
  • “إِذَا” (idha): “when”
  • “تَرَدَّىٰ” (taraddaa): “he falls” or “he tumbles”

Verse 12

إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا لَلْهُدَىٰ

  • “إِنَّ” (inna): “Indeed”
  • “عَلَيْنَا” (alayna): “upon Us”
  • “لَلْهُدَىٰ” (lal-hudaa): “to guide”

Verse 13

وَإِنَّ لَنَا لَلْـَٔاخِرَةَ وَٱلْأُولَىٰ

  • “وَإِنَّ” (wa-inna): “And indeed”
  • “لَنَا” (lana): “for Us” or “to Us”
  • “لَلْآخِرَةَ” (lal-akhirah): “the Hereafter”
  • “وَٱلْأُولَىٰ” (wal-oola): “and the first”

Verse 14

فَأَنذَرْتُكُمْ نَارًۭا تَلَظَّىٰ

  • “فَأَنذَرْتُكُمْ” (fa-anthartukum): “So I warn you”
  • “نَارًا” (naaran): “of a fire”
  • “تَلَظَّىٰ” (talaththaa): “that flames”

verse 15

لَا يَصْلَىٰهَآ إِلَّا ٱلْأَشْقَى ١٥

  • “لَا يَصْلَىٰهَا” (laa yaslaahaa): “None will [enter] it”
  • “إِلَّا” (illa): “except”
  • “ٱلْأَشْقَى” (al-ashqaa): “the wretched” or “the most miserable”

Verse 16

ٱلَّذِى كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ ١٦

  • “ٱلَّذِى” (allathee): “The one who”
  • “كَذَّبَ” (kaththaba): “denied” or “rejected”
  • “وَتَوَلَّىٰ” (wa-tawallaa): “and turned away”

Verse 17

“وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا ٱلْأَتْقَى”

  • “وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا” (wa-sayujannabuhaa): “But the one who fears”
  • “ٱلْأَتْقَى” (al-atqa): “the most righteous” or “the one who has taqwa” (piety or mindfulness of God)

Verse 18

ٱلَّذِى يُؤْتِى مَالَهُۥ يَتَزَكَّىٰ

  • “ٱلَّذِى” (allathee): “The one who”
  • “يُؤْتِى” (yu’ti): “gives”
  • “مَالَهُۥ” (maalahu): “his wealth”
  • “يَتَزَكَّىٰ” (yatazakkaa): “and purifies himself”

Verse 19

وَمَا لِأَحَدٍ عِندَهُۥ مِن نِّعْمَةٍۢ تُجْزَىٰٓ

  • “وَمَا” (wama): “And not”
  • “لِأَحَدٍ” (li-ahadin): “for anyone”
  • “عِندَهُۥ” (indahu): “with him”
  • “مِن” (min): “of”
  • “نِّعْمَةٍ” (ni’matin): “a favor” or “a blessing”
  • “تُجْزَىٰٓ” (tujzaa): “will be recompensed”

Verse 20

إِلَّا ٱبْتِغَآءَ وَجْهِ رَبِّهِ ٱلْأَعْلَىٰ

  • “إِلَّا” (illa): “except”
  • “ٱبْتِغَآءَ” (ibtighaa): “seeking”
  • “وَجْهِ” (wajhi): “the face” or “the pleasure”
  • “رَبِّهِ” (rabbih): “of his Lord”
  • “ٱلْأَعْلَىٰ” (al-a’laa): “the Most High”

Verse 21

وَلَسَوْفَ يَرْضَىٰ

  • “وَلَسَوْفَ” (wa-lasawfa): “And He will soon”
  • “يَرْضَىٰ” (yardhaa): “be pleased”

Tafseer OF Layl Surah (Tafsir easy for kids in english)

This tafsir is reflection of Tafsir Ibne Kathir (Video in Playlist)

Verse 1: “By the night as it envelops,”

This verse talks about how important the night is. Just like a blanket covers you to keep you warm and safe when you sleep, the night covers everything with its darkness. It’s like a protective cover that Allah made for us.

Imagine a big, dark, and peaceful blanket that comes every night. It’s a gift from Allah to help us rest and be safe. The Quran often talks about night and day, and this verse reminds us to appreciate the calm and peacefulness of the night.

So, when you see the nightfall, remember that it’s a beautiful gift from Allah to give us rest and comfort. It’s a time when you can sleep, dream, and be ready for a new day ahead.

Verse 2:

“And [by] the day when it appears,”

This verse talks about the daytime. Just like the night covers everything with its darkness, the daytime is when the sun comes up and brightens everything. It’s like a big, shining smiley face in the sky that makes everything visible.

So, during the day, you can see where you’re going, play with your friends, and learn new things. The Quran talks about day and night to remind us that Allah has created everything with a purpose. The day helps us see and do all the things we need to do, just like the night helps us rest and sleep.

The daytime is a time to be active and do all the things we enjoy, like going to school, playing, and spending time with our families. So, when you see the sun shining in the sky, remember that it’s a wonderful gift from Allah to light up our world and make everything so beautiful.

Verse 3:

“And [by] He who created the male and female,”

This verse talks about how Allah, the One who created everything in the universe, is the same One who created males and females. Just like Allah made the sun, the moon, the stars, the plants, and animals, He also created boys and girls.

When Allah created males and females, He gave them special qualities and differences. Boys and girls have different characteristics and roles, but they are equally important and valued by Allah. He made them this way to complete and complement each other, just like puzzle pieces fit together.

So, this verse reminds us that Allah is the Creator of everything, including us, and He made us with a purpose. Boys and girls are both special and have unique qualities that make the world interesting and beautiful.

Verse 4: “Indeed, your efforts are diverse.”

This verse tells us that people do different things, and they work hard in many different ways. Everyone has their talents, interests, and skills. Some people might be good at art, others at sports, and some at helping others. Allah made us all different, and that’s a good thing because it makes the world colorful and interesting.

So, this verse reminds us that we are all unique, and we should appreciate and respect the diversity of talents and efforts that people put into making the world a better place. Your hard work and what you’re good at are valuable, just like the hard work and talents of others.

Verse 5: “As for he who gives and fears Allah,”

This verse talks about someone very good. They like to share and give to others, like helping people who need it. But what’s even more special is that they also fear Allah. That means they are careful to do what’s right, and they are good people because they want to make Allah happy.

So, this verse reminds us that being kind and generous is wonderful, but it’s even better when we do it while being good and trying to please Allah. When you help others and make Allah happy, it’s like having a big heart full of love and goodness. And that’s a beautiful thing to do.

Verse 6: “And believes in the best [reward],”

This verse talks about someone who believes in getting good rewards from Allah. It’s like when you do something good, like helping others or being kind, and you believe that Allah will reward you with something wonderful in return.

So, this verse reminds us to have faith and trust in Allah’s rewards. When we do good things and believe that Allah will give us something even better, it encourages us to be kind, generous, and good-hearted. It’s like having a special treasure of blessings waiting for us in the future, and that’s something to look forward to!

Verse 7: “We will ease him toward ease.”

This verse tells us that when someone is kind, generous, and believes in Allah’s rewards, Allah makes their life easier. It’s like Allah helps them when things get tough, and their life becomes smoother and more comfortable.

So, this verse reminds us that being good, helping others, and having faith in Allah’s rewards bring happiness and ease into our lives. When we do the right things, Allah looks after us and makes our journey through life a lot more pleasant. It’s like having a friend who always helps you when you need it.

Verse 8: “But as for he who withholds and considers himself free of need,”

This verse talks about someone who doesn’t like to share and thinks they don’t need anyone’s help. They might be selfish and believe they have everything they need on their own.

So, this verse reminds us that being selfish and not helping others can make life difficult. When we think we don’t need anyone and don’t share with those who need our help, it can lead to problems. It’s better to be kind and generous and realize that we all depend on each other. This way, life becomes happier and more peaceful for everyone.

Verse 9: “And denies the best [reward],”

This verse talks about someone who doesn’t believe in the wonderful rewards that come from Allah when we do good things. They might think that being kind and generous doesn’t lead to anything special.

So, this verse reminds us that it’s important to believe in the goodness of our actions and the rewards that Allah promises. When we do good things, we should have faith that Allah will give us something beautiful in return. It’s like having hope and trust that our good deeds are like seeds that will grow into a beautiful garden of blessings.

Verse 10: “We will ease him toward difficulty.”

This verse tells us that when someone is selfish, doesn’t believe in good rewards, and thinks they don’t need others, life can become harder. It’s like Allah doesn’t make things as smooth and easy for them.

So, this verse reminds us that being unkind, selfish, and not believing in the goodness of our actions can lead to difficulties and challenges in life. It’s better to be generous, believe in Allah’s rewards, and realize that we all need each other’s help to make our lives better and more enjoyable.

Verse 11: “And what will his wealth avail him when he falls?”

This verse talks about a person who is selfish and doesn’t like to help others. They think their wealth and possessions are the most important things, and they don’t like to share or be kind to those in need.

So, this verse reminds us that, when this person faces difficulties or problems in life, their wealth won’t be of much help. Money and possessions can’t solve all our problems. Being kind and generous is more valuable than just having lots of things. It’s a good lesson to remember that helping others and being a good person is much more important than having lots of money or fancy things.

Verse 12: “Indeed, [incumbent] upon Us is guidance.”

This verse tells us that providing guidance is Allah’s responsibility. Allah guides us by showing us what’s right and wrong, and what we should do in our lives. It’s like Allah gives us a map or instructions on how to live a good and happy life.

So, this verse reminds us that we can always turn to Allah for guidance in our lives. When we follow the right path that Allah shows us, we make better decisions and live in a way that pleases Him. It’s like having a wise and caring guide to help us make the best choices.

Verse 13: “And indeed, to Us belongs the Hereafter and the first [life].

This verse tells us that everything belongs to Allah, including the life hereafter (the afterlife) and the life we’re living right now. Allah is in control of both.

So, this verse reminds us that Allah is the owner and controller of everything. Our life on Earth is just one part of our journey, and there is also a life after this one. Allah takes care of all of it. It’s like having a loving and wise Creator who has a plan for us in this world and the next.

Verse 14: “So I have warned you of a Fire which is blazing.”

This verse tells us that Allah is warning us about a very hot and fierce fire. It’s not like any fire we’ve seen here on Earth; it’s a fire in the afterlife, a place called Hell.

So, this verse reminds us that we need to be good and do what’s right in our lives. Allah is warning us about the punishment of a fiery place for those who don’t do good things and make bad choices. It’s like a reminder to stay away from bad actions and to be kind and generous to avoid any harm in the hereafter.

Verse 15: “None will [enter it] except the most wretched.”

This verse tells us that only very unhappy and miserable people will go into that fiery place, Hell. These are the people who didn’t do good things and made bad choices in their lives.

So, this verse reminds us that we should try our best to be good and make the right choices in our lives. When we’re kind, generous, and do what’s right, we can avoid ever going to such an unhappy and fiery place. It’s like a reminder to always do our best to be good and avoid harm in the afterlife.

Here’s a simplified explanation of verse 16 of Surah Al-Lail for children:

Verse 16: “The one who denied and turned away,”

This verse talks about a person who didn’t believe in Allah’s guidance and turned away from it. They didn’t listen to what was right and chose to go in the wrong direction.

So, this verse reminds us that we should listen to what’s good and right and not turn away from it. It’s important to have an open heart and mind to learn what’s good and follow the right path. When we do that, we make better choices and have a happier.

Verse 17: “But the one who fears Allah,”

This verse talks about a person who is good and careful about doing what’s right because they fear Allah. It means they’re mindful of Allah and try to please Him by being good.

So, this verse reminds us that it’s important to be good and make the right choices because we fear Allah and want to please Him. When we have respect and love for Allah and want to do what makes Him happy, we become better people and live a happier and more meaningful life. It’s like having a guide to help us on the path to goodness and happiness.

Verse 18: “The one who gives his wealth to purify himself,”

This verse talks about a person who is generous and shares their wealth with others. They do it not just to help people but also to make themselves better and cleaner inside. It’s like when you give away some of your toys or things to help others and at the same time, it makes your heart feel happy and pure.

So, this verse reminds us that being kind and sharing what we have is not only helpful to others but also a way to make our hearts kind and pure. When we give with a good intention, it’s like cleaning our hearts from selfishness or greed. It’s a beautiful way to become a better person.

Verse 19: “And there is not for anyone with Him any favor to be repaid.”

This verse tells us that whatever good things we have in our lives, whether it’s our family, our friends, the nice things we own, or the abilities we have, all of these are blessings from Allah. Allah is the One who gives us these gifts, and we can’t repay Allah for them. We can’t give Him something equal in return for all the wonderful things He has given us.

So, this verse reminds us to be thankful to Allah for all the good things in our lives. We should remember that Allah is the One who provides us with these blessings, and we can’t fully repay Him. We show gratitude by being good, kind, and thankful in our actions and by remembering Him in our hearts.

Certainly, here’s a simplified explanation of verse 20 of Surah Al-Lail for children:

Verse 20: “But only seeking the countenance of his Lord, Most High,”

This verse talks about a person who does good things not for any reward from people or to show off but to seek the pleasure and approval of Allah, who is the Most High. It means they do good deeds because they want Allah to be happy with them.

So, this verse reminds us that the best way to do good things is to do them for the sake of Allah, seeking His approval and love. When we aim to please Allah, it’s like having the best motivation because Allah is the Highest and Most Important One. It’s a way to become a better and more sincere person.

Here’s a simplified explanation of verse 21 of Surah Al-Lail for children:

Verse 21: “And He will be satisfied.”

This verse tells us that when someone does good things to seek Allah’s pleasure and approval, Allah will be happy and satisfied.

So, this verse reminds us that when we do good deeds with a pure heart and to make Allah happy, He will be pleased with us. It’s like having a special connection with Allah, and His satisfaction is the best reward we can ever receive.

Mind map (surah layl explained)

(Video in Playlist)

Layl Surah


  • Surah Al-Lail is the 92nd chapter of the Quran.
  • It’s a short but powerful chapter that teaches us important lessons.

Key Themes:

  1. Day and Night:
    • The Surah begins by talking about the day and night.
    • It’s like a reminder that Allah created these times for a reason.
    • Day is for being active and night is for resting, both are Allah’s gifts.
  2. Males and Females:
    • Allah created boys and girls, and both are important.
    • We are different but complement each other, just like puzzle pieces.
  3. Giving and Being Good:
    • Being generous, sharing, and helping others is a good thing.
    • When we do it to make Allah happy, it’s even better.
  4. Doing Good for Allah:
    • We should be good not for rewards from people, but to seek Allah’s pleasure.
    • Allah is the Most High, so making Him happy is the best goal.
  5. Seeking Allah’s Pleasure:
    • When we do good for Allah, He is pleased with us.
    • Seeking His satisfaction is the best reward we can get.
  6. Consequences of Selfishness:
    • Selfishness and not helping others can make life harder.
    • It’s better to be kind and share.
  7. Believing in Allah’s Rewards:
    • We should believe in Allah’s rewards for our good deeds.
    • It’s like having a treasure waiting for us in the future.
  8. Guidance from Allah:
    • Allah is our guide, showing us what’s right and wrong.
    • It’s like having a map for life.
  9. The Hereafter and Now:
    • Allah is in control of everything, in this world and the hereafter.
    • We are on a journey guided by Allah.
  10. A Warning and a Reminder:
  • Allah warns about a fiery place for those who do bad.
  • It’s a reminder to be good and avoid harm in the afterlife.

11. Dua

We will memorise A dua after learning Surah. After learning this surah, we selected a dua to Pay off our Debits/ Increase our Blessing/Rizq

‘اللَّهمَّ اكفني بِحلالِكَ عن حرامِكَ ، وأغنِني بِفَضلِكَ عَن سواكَ’

Oh Allah, make what is lawful enough for me, as opposed to what is unlawful, and spare me by Your grace, of the need of others.’

Layl Surah,


  • Surah Al-Lail teaches us to be good, seek Allah’s approval, and believe in His rewards. It’s like having a guide for life and a reminder to make the world a better place with kindness and generosity.

Here’s a step-by-step teaching approach:

(Video in Playlist)

Step 1: Introduction and Discussion

  • Begin by discussing the importance of the Quran and how it’s a source of guidance.
  • Explain that Surah Al-Lail is a short chapter with powerful lessons.

Step 2: Learn Tajweed and Recitation

  • Start with the correct pronunciation and Tajweed rules.
  • Listen to a skilled reciter to understand the correct melody and pronunciation.
  • Encourage children to practice reciting the Surah.

Step 3: Understand Word Meanings

  • Break down the verses to understand individual word meanings.
  • Use visual aids like flashcards or posters with Arabic and English translations.
  • Discuss the significance of keywords like “taqwa” (piety) and “jazaa” (reward).

Step 4: Storytelling and Visualization

  • Narrate a simple story or scenario related to the Surah’s themes.
  • Encourage children to visualize the scenes described in the Surah.
  • Use storytelling to make the Surah’s lessons relatable to their lives.

Step 5: Create Infographics and Mind Maps

  • Design infographics or mind maps for each key theme in the Surah.
  • Use colorful visuals to make it engaging and memorable.
  • These visuals can be a valuable reference tool.

Step 6: Exercises and Quizzes

  • Develop exercises that require children to apply what they’ve learned.
  • Create quizzes with multiple-choice questions and short answers.
  • Use these assessments to reinforce their understanding.

Step 7: Discussion and Reflection

  • Have group discussions about the Surah’s messages and lessons.
  • Encourage children to share their thoughts and how they can apply the Surah’s teachings in their lives.

Step 8: Memorization (Hifz)

  • For those interested in memorizing the Surah, break it down into small segments.
  • Practice with them regularly, focusing on accuracy and pronunciation.
  • Offer rewards and incentives to motivate progress.

Step 9: Real-Life Application

  • Encourage children to apply the Surah’s teachings in real life.
  • Engage in acts of kindness and generosity as a family or group.
  • Reflect on how these actions align with the Surah’s message.

Step 10: Creative Projects

  • Assign creative projects like artwork or stories related to the Surah.
  • Allow children to express their understanding in their own unique ways.

Step 11: Recitation and Review

  • Continue practicing the recitation regularly.
  • Review the Surah’s themes, lessons, and meanings.

Step 12: Celebrate Achievements

  • Acknowledge and celebrate milestones like completing the memorization or reciting the Surah with the correct Tajweed.

This comprehensive approach ensures that children not only learn to recite the Surah but also understand its meanings, reflect on its messages, and apply them in their daily lives. It makes the learning process engaging and memorable, promoting a deeper connection with the Quran.

Exercise: (Video in Playlist)

1: Word Meanings

Match the Arabic words from Surah Al-Lail with their English meanings:

  1. “ذَّكَر” (dhakar) a. Night
  2. “ٱلْٱخِرَة” (al-akhira) b. Seeking Allah’s pleasure
  3. “جنَّة” (jannah) c. The Most High
  4. “بَخِيل” (bakheel) d. Giving and fearing Allah
  5. “نِّعْمَةٍ” (ni’ma) e. The male
  6. “رَبِّهِ” (rabbih) f. The female

True or False

Circle ‘True’ or ‘False’ for each statement:

  1. True/False: Surah Al-Lail is a long chapter in the Quran.
  2. True/False: The Surah mentions the importance of night and day.
  3. True/False: The Surah talks about the importance of giving for rewards from people.
  4. True/False: Seeking Allah’s pleasure is the best way to do good deeds.
  5. True/False: Selfishness and not helping others can make life easier.
  6. True/False: Believing in Allah’s rewards for good deeds is not important.


  1. What is the central theme of Surah Al-Lail? a. The importance of sleep b. Day and night c. The consequences of selfishness d. The benefits of wealth
  2. What does the Surah say about males and females? a. They are equal in every way b. They are different but equally important c. Males are more important d. Females are more important
  3. What should be the main motivation behind doing good deeds, according to the Surah? a. Seeking rewards from people b. Seeking Allah’s pleasure c. To show off to others d. To become famous
  4. Why is it better to seek Allah’s pleasure when doing good deeds? a. It brings more rewards from people b. Allah is the Most High and deserves our efforts c. It doesn’t make any difference d. It’s not important
  5. What are the consequences of selfishness, according to the Surah? a. Life becomes easier b. Life becomes harder c. It doesn’t matter d. Nothing happens
  6. What is the best way to show gratitude for the blessings Allah has given us? a. By being selfish and keeping everything for ourselves b. By believing in Allah’s rewards and being generous c. By showing off to others d. By seeking rewards from people


Exercise 1: Word Meanings

  1. “ذَّكَر” (dhakar) – The male (e)
  2. “ٱلْٱخِرَة” (al-akhira) – The hereafter (c)
  3. “جنَّة” (jannah) – Paradise (b)
  4. “بَخِيل” (bakheel) – Selfish (a)
  5. “نِّعْمَةٍ” (ni’ma) – A favor (d)
  6. “رَبِّهِ” (rabbih) – His Lord (f)

Exercise 2: True or False

  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. False


  1. c. The consequences of selfishness
  2. b. They are different but equally important
  3. b. Seeking Allah’s pleasure
  4. b. Allah is the Most High and deserves our efforts
  5. b. Life becomes harder
  6. b. By believing in Allah’s rewards and being generous


1. What is the meaning of “Surah Al-Lail”?

  • The name “Al-Lail” means “The Night” in Arabic.

2. How many verses are there in Surah Al-Lail?

  • Surah Al-Lail contains 21 verses.

3. What is the central theme of Surah Al-Lail?

  • The central themes of Surah Al-Lail include the importance of night and day, the consequences of selfishness, the benefits of giving and being good, seeking Allah’s pleasure, and the belief in Allah’s rewards for good deeds.

4. What is the significance of males and females mentioned in the Surah?

  • The Surah emphasizes that Allah created males and females, and both are equally important. It highlights the differences between them, but the idea is that they complement each other in their roles and responsibilities.

5. What is the message about giving in this Surah?

  • The Surah encourages giving and being generous. It emphasizes giving not for rewards from people but to seek Allah’s pleasure. This is seen as a higher and purer form of giving.

6. Why is it better to seek Allah’s pleasure when doing good deeds?

  • Seeking Allah’s pleasure when doing good deeds is considered better because Allah is the Most High and deserves our efforts. Doing things to make Allah happy is a purer and more sincere motivation.

7. What does the Surah say about the consequences of selfishness?

  • The Surah suggests that being selfish and not helping others can make life harder. It is better to be kind, and generous, and share with those in need.

8. How can one believe in Allah’s rewards for good deeds?

  • Believing in Allah’s rewards for good deeds involves having faith that when you do something good, Allah will reward you with blessings and happiness in this life and the hereafter.

9. What is the significance of the Surah’s mention of night and day?

  • The Surah mentions night and day as part of Allah’s creation and design. It serves as a reminder of the importance of these natural times for different aspects of life, such as rest, activity, and worship.

10. What lessons can we learn from Surah Al-Lail?

  • Surah Al-Lail teaches us to be good, seek Allah’s approval, believe in His rewards, and avoid selfishness. It emphasizes the importance of kindness, generosity, and seeking Allah’s pleasure in all our actions.


Story of Surah AL-Layl Video


Video Playlist English

Video Playlist Urdu

Books (Shop)

My First Quran Picture Book

My First Quran Stories Book

Islamic education By Molvi Abdula Aziz Grade7

Free Books (pdf)

Our Online Courses

Quran classes:

We have online quran tajweed, recitation, and Quran Hifz classes for children. One-on-one classes with Qualified teachers.

Quran Tafseer classes:

Short and Easy-to-understand Quran translation and tafseer will be taught to the young learners. Infographics, mindmaps, work-by-word tajweed and meanings, stories, and duas are included in these classes.

Hadith with Stories course consists of 30 short hadith 

It’s a personality development course for children with interesting stories. 30 short hadiths would be taught with stories. We have worksheets to solve after learning hadiths for implications.

Prayer for kids course :

A short course to teach about taharat, Gusal, wudu, times of prayers, number and names of prayers, pillars, conditions of prayer, and method of prayer.

Kindness to Parents:

A 1-week course to teach the rights of parents with practical work. Dua and how to be kind to parents is included in this course.

6 articles on the Muslim faith:

Faiths/Muslim beliefs would be taught one by one with the help of mind maps and stories in the Quran.

Islamic dress code:

Islamic rules of dressing, Aurah/covering body rules, and modesty dressing will be included in this one-week course.

Ramzan Boost course:

1 month before Ramzan we started this course. Everything about fasting rules and supplication with the Ramzan checklist and daily to-do list is included in this course.

Faith boosts course in December to say NO MARYY CHRISTMAS:

Stories of faith by the Quran will be added in this course with basic articles of faith.

Enrolments Available

All courses Are available to start as one-on-one classes. Please have a look at our group courses continued here.




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