This is a series of our course Basic Beliefs in Islam: This is part 3, Belief in Angels: Let’s see what is Muslim belief in Angels.

basic beliefs in islam

Basic beliefs in Islam: Belief in Angels Mind Map:

Main Topic: Islamic Belief in Angel

  1. Definition and Nature of Angels
    • Created by Allah
    • Spiritual beings made of light
    • Subservient to Allah’s commands
    • Invisible to humans
  2. Purpose and Role of Angels
    • Worship and glorify Allah
    • Carry out specific tasks assigned by Allah
    • Messengers between Allah and His creation
  3. Belief in Specific Angels
    • Jibril (Gabriel): Revelation and communication with prophets
    • Mikail (Michael): Responsible for natural provisions and sustenance
    • Israfil: Blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment
    • Izrail (Azrael): Angel of death
    • Raqib and Atid: Recording angels who document deeds
    • Munkar and Nakir: Questioning Angels in the Grave
  4. Attributes and Characteristics of Angels
    • Purity and obedience to Allah
    • No free will or ability to disobey
    • Unlimited knowledge and power
    • Vast in number, beyond human comprehension
  5. Interactions with Humans
    • Conveying messages from Allah to prophets
    • Assisting and supporting believers
    • Recording deeds and actions
    • Intervening in human affairs with Allah’s permission
  6. Importance and Significance in Islam
    • Affirming the unseen realm and the divine order
    • Serving as a reminder of Allah’s power and presence
    • Reinforcing the concept of accountability and divine justice
    • Inspiring awe, reverence, and gratitude toward Allah
  7. References from the Quran and Hadith
    • Quranic verses mentioning angels
    • Hadiths narrated by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about angels
    • Examples of angelic interventions and interactions in Islamic history

Conclusion: The Islamic belief in angels is a fundamental aspect of faith, affirming the unseen realm and the presence of Allah’s divine order. Angels play various roles, carrying out specific tasks assigned by Allah and serving as messengers between Allah and His creation. They possess unique attributes and characteristics, emphasizing their purity, obedience, and knowledge. Belief in angels reinforces accountability, divine justice, and the importance of a spiritual connection with Allah. References from the Quran and Hadith provide further evidence and guidance on the significance of angels in Islam.

Definition and Nature of Angels

In the Islamic faith, angels are celestial beings created by Allah from pure light. They are obedient servants of God who carry out His commands and play various roles in the universe. Angels are considered to be free from sin, possess no personal will, and are completely submissive to Allah’s will.

Angels are believed to be intermediaries between Allah and human beings. They serve as messengers, delivering revelations from Allah to the prophets. The angel Jibril (Gabriel) was crucial in delivering the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad. Other angels have specific responsibilities, such as Mika’il overseeing natural phenomena, Israfil blowing the trumpet on the Day of Judgment, and Izra’il (Azrael) taking the souls at the time of death.

Islamic belief recognizes that angels are numerous and carry out various tasks assigned by Allah. They record human deeds, protect individuals, and maintain order in the universe. Angels are considered pure and devoid of physical desires, possessing only the desire to worship and obey Allah.

Muslims are encouraged to acknowledge and respect the presence of angels, seeking their protection through supplications and prayers. However, worship or seeking assistance directly from angels is not permitted in Islamic theology, as worship is to be directed solely to Allah.

The belief in angels is essential to the Islamic faith, emphasizing the unseen world and the connection between the divine and human realms. The Qur’an and Hadith contain numerous references to angels, highlighting their significance in Islamic teachings.

Muslims confirm their belief in angels in various ways:

  1. Quranic Verses: Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran contains numerous references to angels and their roles, which serve as a confirmation of their existence.
  2. Hadiths: The sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recorded in hadith collections also provide further confirmation of the existence and roles of angels. Muslims rely on authentic hadiths to understand and strengthen their belief in angels.
  3. Islamic Teachings: Islamic scholars and teachers play a crucial role in educating Muslims about the belief in angels. They explain the relevant Quranic verses and hadiths, provide explanations of angelic roles and responsibilities, and share stories and narrations that affirm the existence of angels.
  4. Personal Reflection and Experience: Some Muslims may have personal experiences or encounters that reaffirm their belief in angels. These experiences may include dreams, moments of guidance or protection, or a sense of the unseen presence of angels.
  5. Faith and Trust in Allah: Muslims’ belief in angels is ultimately rooted in their faith and trust in Allah. They believe that Allah, in His infinite wisdom and knowledge, has created angelic beings to fulfill specific purposes and serve His divine plan.
  6. Observing the Effects of Angelic Influence: Muslims observe the impact of angelic influence on their lives and the world around them. They witness the manifestations of Allah’s mercy, protection, guidance, and support, which are believed to be facilitated by angels.
  7. Consensus of the Muslim Community: The consensus of the Muslim community throughout history on the existence and roles of angels also contributes to the confirmation of this belief. The unanimous agreement among scholars and the collective acceptance of the faith in angels by Muslims worldwide serve as further confirmation.

By combining these sources of confirmation, Muslims strengthen their belief in angels and develop a deep understanding and appreciation for the unseen world and Allah’s divine order. They consider the belief in angels as an integral part of their faith in Islam.

Names of some angels and their role

  1. Archangels:
    • Jibril (Gabriel): He is known as the angel of revelation and is responsible for delivering Allah’s messages to the prophets.
    • Mikail (Michael): He is associated with the distribution of provisions and sustenance from Allah.
  2. Guardian Angels:
    • Raqib and Atid: These angels are assigned to record the good and bad deeds of every individual.
  3. Recording Angels:
    • Kiraman Katibin: They are a group of angels who record every action, word, and thought of humans. They write the deeds in a person’s book of records.
  4. Angel of Death:
    • Izrail (Azrael): He is tasked with the responsibility of taking the souls of individuals at the time of their death.
  5. Angels of the Grave:
    • Munkar and Nakir: These angels visit the deceased in their graves to question them about their faith and deeds.
  6. Angels of Mercy and Punishment:
    • Ridwan: He is responsible for welcoming righteous believers into Paradise.
    • Malik: He is in charge of Hellfire and overseeing its punishments.
  7. Angels of Protection:
    • Muaqqibat: These angels are assigned to protect and accompany individuals, especially during critical moments.

It’s important to note that while these types of angels are mentioned in Islamic tradition, their specific roles and details may vary in different sources. The belief in angels is an integral part of the Islamic faith and serves to emphasize the unseen realm, Allah’s power, and the concept of divine accountability.

Teaching Method Islamic Belief in Angels to Children:


  • Start the lesson by introducing the topic of angels in Islam and their significance.
  • Explain that angels are spiritual beings created by Allah and play an important role in the unseen world.

Definition and Nature of Angels:

  • Teach children that angels are made of light and are subservient to Allah’s commands.
  • Emphasize that angels are invisible to humans and exist in a realm beyond our perception.

Purpose and Role of Angels:

  • Discuss the purpose of angels, which is to worship and glorify Allah.
  • Explain that angels also carry out specific tasks assigned by Allah, such as delivering messages to prophets.

Belief in Specific Angels:

  • Introduce some prominent angels in Islam, such as Jibril (Gabriel), Mikail (Michael), Israfil, and Izrail (Azrael).
  • Explain their roles and responsibilities, making the concepts relatable to children.
  • Share stories from Islamic history that involve these angels to engage children’s interest.

Attributes and Characteristics of Angels:

  • Discuss the qualities of angels, such as their purity, obedience to Allah, and vast knowledge.
  • Explain that angels do not have free will or the ability to disobey Allah.
  • Highlighting their power and vast numbers, which are beyond human comprehension.

Interactions with Humans:

  • Explain that angels serve as messengers between Allah and His creation.
  • Discuss how angels deliver revelations to prophets, such as Jibril conveying the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  • Teach children that angels record their deeds and actions, and will be present during the questioning in the grave.

Importance and Significance in Islam:

  • Emphasize the importance of believing in angels as part of faith in Islam.
  • Explain that belief in angels affirms the unseen realm and the divine order established by Allah.
  • Discuss how angels remind us of Allah’s power, presence, and the concept of accountability.

References from the Quran and Hadith:

  • Share selected Quranic verses mentioning angels, such as Surah Al-Baqarah (2:97) and Surah Al-Anbiya (21:27).
  • Narrate age-appropriate hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about angels and their interactions.
  • Relate examples from Islamic history where angels played significant roles, such as the Angel Jibril appearing to Maryam (Mary).


  • Summarize the key points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the belief in angels as an integral part of the Islamic faith.
  • Encourage children to reflect on the importance of angels in their lives and to appreciate Allah’s creation.
  • Remind them that belief in angels strengthens their connection with Allah and reinforces the concept of accountability.

By using age-appropriate language, stories, and interactive activities, children can grasp the concept of angels in Isla and develop a deeper understanding of their significance. Encourage children to ask questions, engage in discussions, and relate the teachings to their daily lives. Through these lessons, children will gain knowledge and appreciation for the unseen world and strengthen their faith in Allah and His creation.

This article is a series of our 6 articles in Islam course. Other articles on this course.

A short course on 6 Articles of Faith in Islam:

Article 1: Who is Allah? Towheed, first Article of Muslim Faith

What is Monotheism? The largest monotheism Religions:

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