This education program has been designed for our Islamic studies online classes for children and adults. In our online classes, we will teach according to these six modules. click the links to study these modules deeply.

Islamic studies online
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Objective: To teach children about the physical and emotional changes they may experience during puberty, sex education from an Islamic perspective, and the importance of being responsible for their actions.

  • Explain the biological changes during puberty in both boys and girls.
  • Discuss the emotional and psychological aspects of puberty.
  • Emphasize the importance of modesty and maintaining personal boundaries.
  • Teach about the concept of ‘Hayaa’ (shyness/modesty) in Islam.
  • Discuss the Islamic guidelines for marriage and the family unit.
  • Teach the concept of accountability and the concept of “Amanah” (trust) in Islam.
  • Encourage self-discipline and self-awareness in their actions and choices.
  • Highlight the significance of seeking forgiveness and repentance when making mistakes.

Objective: To provide a comprehensive overview of the history of Islam, starting from the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to significant events and developments in Islamic history.

  • Explore the early life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his prophethood.
  • Discuss his teachings and character as a role model for Muslims.
  • Introduce the four righteous caliphs and their contributions to Islam.
  • Explain the expansion of the Islamic empire and its impact on history.

Objective: To explore the achievements of Muslims during the Golden Ages and their contributions to science, mathematics, and other fields.

  • Discuss the cultural and intellectual advancements during the Abbasid Caliphate.
  • Highlight the House of Wisdom and its role in promoting knowledge.
  • Introduce famous Muslim scholars such as Ibn Sina, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Khwarizmi, and others.
  • Explore their contributions to medicine, optics, mathematics, and other sciences.

Objective: To help children understand the importance of spiritual development and purifying one’s soul in Islam.

  • Teach the concept of the Nafs and its different stages (Nafs al-Amara, Nafs al-Lawama, Nafs al-Mutma’inna).
  • Discuss the struggle for self-improvement and achieving tranquility.
  • Explore the role of Salah (prayer), fasting, and other acts of worship in purifying the soul.
  • Emphasize the significance of sincerity (Ikhlas) in one’s worship.

Objective: To provide insights into the deeper meanings and wisdom behind different acts of worship in Islam.

  • Explain the spiritual and physical benefits of performing Salah.
  • Discuss the importance of mindfulness and connection with Allah during prayer.
  • Explore the purpose and benefits of fasting during the month of Ramadan.
  • Highlight the spiritual significance of self-restraint and empathy.

Objective: To introduce children to the deeper meanings and interpretations of the Quran and Hadiths.

  • Provide explanations of selected verses from the Quran to enhance their understanding.
  • Emphasize the relevance of the Quran in their daily lives.
  • Introduce authentic Hadiths and their relevance to various aspects of life.
  • Teach children how to apply Hadiths in their actions and decisions.

This comprehensive online educational curriculum aims to empower Muslim children aged 10 to 14 with essential knowledge about their faith, history, and personal development. By fostering a deep understanding of Islam’s teachings and promoting responsible behavior, this program seeks to create informed and morally conscious young Muslims who can confidently navigate life’s challenges while staying true to their beliefs and values.

We are adding deep study and curriculum to teach these modules. please check the links.

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