Online skilled, Muslim teacher for children and beginners

Online skilled, Muslim teacher for children and beginners

Adiba Anwar Online Teacher Education M.A UrduB.Ed. , M.Ed.Diploma in ITQuran TranslationTafseer (Student)Children writer/Educationist Introduction This is Adiba Anwar. She is From Sialkot, Pakistan. She is living n Europe more then 15 years. She is the online teacher...
Story 18| Best story on status of mothers with Hadit.

Story 18| Best story on status of mothers with Hadit.

AslamoAlikum my dear students I hope you are all good with the Grace of Allah. Alhamdulillah. Today we are going to learn hadith no 18 with story form our hadith with stories course. Table of content Introduction of hadithStory of A companion of Prophet Muhammad SAW...
|ماؤں کی نافرمانی|Free Urdu Story 18. What Happened To Disobedient Son?|

|ماؤں کی نافرمانی|Free Urdu Story 18. What Happened To Disobedient Son?|

پیارے بچوآج ہماری حدیث کا موضوع ہے. “ماؤں کی نافرمانی Status of mothers. آپ صل اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم نے فرمایا”اللہ پاک نے نیکی کے کاموں میں اپنی ماؤں کی نافرمانی تم پر حرام کر دی ہے.”  (صحیح بخاری) یہ حدیث ہمیں بتاتی ہے کہ والدین یا اپنی...
How to Teach Five Prayers in a day?Childrenprayer

How to Teach Five Prayers in a day?Childrenprayer

  The method of Five prayers in a day for Muslim children. Its Fraz to start to teach Salah to a child when he turns 7 years old. And its obligatory for a child to offer Prayers 5 times in a day when he turns 9 yrs. So its duty of parents and teachers to Teach...